Transport Life Expectancy

I have a general question about used cd players and transports. In general, I'm hesistant about buying a used cd player or transport because of concerns about laser life/alignment as well as all of the moving parts in a transport. The only equipment I've ever replaced because of failure due to wear and tear or longeveity have been cd players. What's the general consensus obout the life expectancy of a tranport (or cd player). Are units that are older than 2 to 3 years really worth bothering with? I guess that I should specify that I'm not really thinking about the megabuck transports or players(>$4000-5000) but more in terms of players like the Rega Jupiter or the Classe transports that show up used in the $500 to $1500 range.

Showing 1 response by elberoth2

You have to check around what transport mechanism they are build. Some of them, like CDM-9Pro used in Theta Basic I/II, PS Audio Lambda and Krell KPS-20i among others, are no longer available, and to make things worse, the spares are depleted.

On the other hand, Philips CDM-4, CDM-12 or VAM1202 are widely availeble and cheap as dirt, so I would not hesitate buying a transport build around one of those, even if it was a few years old.