Transport & tweaks for audio logic 24MXL

I just bought an audio logic 24 MXL with Marigo apparition digital rca and it sounds good with stock denon 3910.

Would i improve performance significantly with better transport? I want to stay below $ 1000 used unless there is huge gain. How is CEC TL51Z?

Are there tweaks with power cords or NOS tubes?

Thanks in advance
Depends on your definition of "significantly"; there will certainly be a difference. Summarizing the past threads (and you should check the archives) the CEC TL-1 and 2 and the Forsell (which I use) are favored transports with the Audio Logic. I'd hold off on tube rolling till you get used to the stock tubes, but I have used Siemens E188CCs and Ccas, and Telefunken Ccas, with very good results. Best power cord I've used with my Audio Logic has been the Kubala Sosna Emotion; for significantly less the K-Works Empowered Cord and Dynamo power cords and TG SLVRs are excellent as well.
Rcprince's advice is spot on. As a long time AL owner, listen to his thoughts carefully. I am among the crowd of AL owners who have an earlier model, in my case the M34DSB. I use a CEC TL2 and the combination works very well. If you search the threads you will find many who are using the CEC/AL combination. The only thing I would add (which has been in prior threads) is that this DAC responds VERY well to good air isolation. I use a Townshend Seismic Sink and I believe that Rcprince is still using a K-works. IMO, air isolation under this DAC improves any tube that you will use.
The first thing you should do, since this is a stock transport, is buy a 1.5m digital cable. This white-paper I wrote explains why:

Steve N.
Empirical Audio