Triode Wire Labs interconnects vs Acoustic BBQ? vs Mad Scientist?

Has anyone auditioned/compared Triode Wire Labs Spirit II interconnects with Acoustic BBQ Double Dueland ICs? With Mad Scientist Carbon/Graphene? 
A re-sale (but unused) BBQ popped up on USAudioMart and I snagged it. May order the Triode now on trial to compare. Expect that will be enough.
Soix, tried MR only. Since I simplified from tubes to ss upon retirement, I'm staying away from silver.
Got my Acooustic BBQ interconnects. People make all kinds of claims. The naive support them. Grannyring/Bill Dion's are are spot on. The Acoustic BBQ Full Rack ICs are extraordinary. I'm done searching.
I experienced a noticeable improvement with Acoustic BBQ Full Rack interconnects, they replaced some blue jeans ICs.