Great post as usual, Doug
Here's another one - so obvious to you you likely forgot it, but useful to someone who has not handled either a Schroeder Reference or a the Triplanar. Because the bearing pivot is not concentric with the VTA tower on both arms, tip #8 (or is it #9 ??) ...
When dialing in the overhang, make certain that the VTA post lock nut is tightened (the knurled screw on the side of the tower), because this positions the arm properly and fixes the pivot to spindle distance. Without being locked in place, the arm can rotate about the VTA tower and change the pivot to spindle distance.
For the same reason, don't forget to lock the nut after adjusting VTA in-play.
A related aside for all tonearms - if you have a cartridge protractor which varies in thickness from that of a record, temporarily adjust the VTA to compensate for the thickness of your protractor before doing your alignment.
It appears as if Tri Mai sources his current cartridge protractors (supplied with the Triplanar) from Tim at Turntable Basics. It's quite thick, and is one case where raising the arm position before adjusting overhang is quite important.
Thom @ Galibier