If I can find a way to mod my old XLM MkII into another UNIverse, it's yours for $79.95!
I just made three feet for beneath our new TT, using nine coasters Paul "sourced" from Bed, Bath and Beyond. (That is so gay - I tried Home Depot, really.) Basically it's a thin sandwich of rubber, cork, steel and felt, four layers constrained by 80+ pounds of rig.
Not surprisingly, we hear the difference between these coasters and the ones we'd been using temporarily, which were just cork. The new ones firm things up quite a bit. Very tight imaging, more air and space around instruments and singers, better depiction of the dimensions of the soundspace. Not bad for $20.
I just made three feet for beneath our new TT, using nine coasters Paul "sourced" from Bed, Bath and Beyond. (That is so gay - I tried Home Depot, really.) Basically it's a thin sandwich of rubber, cork, steel and felt, four layers constrained by 80+ pounds of rig.
Not surprisingly, we hear the difference between these coasters and the ones we'd been using temporarily, which were just cork. The new ones firm things up quite a bit. Very tight imaging, more air and space around instruments and singers, better depiction of the dimensions of the soundspace. Not bad for $20.