TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
Hi Jes45 and La45 (are you guys related?) :-)

I have to admit - I snuck a "quick listen" in last night, after only 72 hrs. When I got done listening at 4:00AM!!! - I was thrilled and amazed. Amazed, at the things I was hearing on my discs (redbook) for the first time. Haven't even begun to break in SACD yet. Thrilled, because of my decision to go with TRL. For very modest money - player and mods included - I'm not sure how this player can be beaten. Again, this is only at 72 hours! I'm really looking forward to hearing this machine blossom. 500 hours is a long way off, but it is going to ba a most enjoyable walk.

Advice - if you can find a used SA-14 or a close out model - BUY IT!!! Send it to Paul and "his guys", and rest assured, you will be getting a firts rate player - by any standard. You'll also save yourself alot of money if you are thinking of an SA-11.

As I type - the break in continues...84hrs...85hrs..........

thats what i thought with my TRL sony 2000es, I took my unit apart almost as soon as it came out of the box, well at least after a short listening, I really wanted to know what makes this thing tick. too my suprise there was noithing out of the ordinary, except this red "magic" stuff all over the board, and the nicely laid out power wire feed straight into the transformer. After taking it apart and checking every little detail, I called Paul and asked him if there was any way to make this already awesome unit better. He recomended some isolation devices, I also asked him about a power cord, speaker cables, and interconnects he told me that, Joel one of the guys that works with Paul and Brian could make me up a set cables to help complete my system. I haven't got them yet but im sure they are going to an excelent upgrade to my system, Paul also mentioned that he and brian have a tranistor amp. coming out soon, anyone hear anything aboiut that I would appreciate the feed back. I've been reading up on the marantz Sa-14 and I really like what i hear about it, it's right there in my price rang including the cost of the TRL mod, if it's anything like my 2000es im sure im gonna love it.
As I may have mentioned before I have some new additions to the family, a brand new Single-ended amp with its roaring power of 8 watts and a new engaging preamp. So I am dealing with 3 new units to break in.

And as far as whether Jes45 is related the answer is yes, we belong to the TRL family thank you.

Nice player. The Marantz SA-11 TRL version has got to be the best. Anxious to here more when you get it. It looks great and I suppose it will be great after Paul does his magic. I spoke to a fellow in Tawain and he says the unit has a lean character but he tamed it by using the old Van Den Hul carbon inteconnect. He loves the results.


Glad to hear that the unit sounds like a winner for you. The people I have heard from about the TRL Marantz SA14 have all stated it is extremely impressive across the audio spectrum.