TT mat suggestions...

I am looking for a new turntable mat. I have been considering one of the new funk firm mats but I see a sonic bliss mat on ebay for cheap. Does anyone have any experience with the funk firm mats or the sonic bliss? Any other suggestions in the $100 range (not going to spring for a mystic mat at this time). I have an AR ES1 TT with an Audioquest PT5 arm. The TT sets in an enclosed cabinet (no choice) if this info helps.
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I like the anti-mat (very cheap with a kind of tube sound), and the Boston mat (little more expensive with a more solid state sound)
I second the Boston Mat. I have one on my Oracle and I really like it. I also have a Funk Firm mat, (and platter for that matter :-)) and these are nice also.
I am in the throws of trying a few different mats on my 'table as I type. I have the Boston mat, the Herbie's, and the Archromat. I rank them 1THe Achro; 2 Boston; 3 Herbie's.

THe Achro definitely has more bass and a more organic sound. It is very quiet and and resolving. I agree with the above that the Boston is more of a Solid State sound.... Kind of hyped and analytical (It might have the most resolution of the bunch though). The Herbie's in nice but can't really match the other two in any way..... It's the cheapest by far though. And, I'll say it again, it's very nice.

One other thing about the Achromat..... It seems to separate the instruments, and keep things in order the best; especially during complex musical passages.

Take all this with some grain of salt since it's my 'table and in my system.
