Tube amp bias adjustment advice

I biased my first set of tubes on my 211 amp recently and am hearing more volume from the left channel.  Does that mean I need to turn up the bias on the left channel to center the soundstage?  Thank you in advance.
you should set the bias per the amp specs....period.  This is not something you do by ear, only by measurement.
So I have no balance adjustment, why am I hearing more from the left speaker than the right when I am seated in the middle?  They are both exactly the same distance from the back wall and at the same angle, within a 1/8 of an inch.

mmporsche OP

Don’t touch the bias yet, before answering some questions.

1: Was it in balanced before?

2: If you swap the amps "only", does then the right speaker sound louder or is the left still louder?

Cheers George
Have you try swap the tube from left to right?
Don’t do this as then you will have to re-bias both of the the amps.
Just swap the amp whole from left to right first, and say which side is louder.
(it could be the source or the speakers) that has to be ascertained first before doing any re-biasing, and a 211 biasing is not a very safe area to be fiddling with if your not confident, with the HT around that area.)
Cheers George