I forgot to add that my listening room is a very large open space,; with high ceilings and no walls, so I will need a decent bit of power. With that in mind, would the Jadis still be more amp than I need for my efficient speakers?
I have been thinking more about your description from an earlier post. You have a lot of cubic space in your listening environment and as a result power capability requires consideration (Even with the efficient O-96). Certainly the safer more predictable choice is a push-pull amplifier.
I don’t know if you have a budget ceiling or not. The NAF amplifiers with DHT tubes running class A push-pull have been mentioned several times for good reason, but they are pricey. The Jadis DA 50S you originally inquired about are less expensive, yet still a highly regarded amplifier from a very established manufacturer.
You will get 30 watts of pure class A power from the KT 120 pentode tubes. Also very stout and good quality output transformers and probably a “bit” of NFB in the circuit (I could be wrong about the addition of NFB). As had been said previously, you have many really good options to contemplate over.