Tube-amp for Magnepan?

Hi.I have currently tested Audio Research VT60 with my old Maggies (MG2A),
It seems that the 50w is too weak in power.I experienced a lot of distortion already at "10 oclock"-position on the preamp.(could there be something wrong with the tubes?) At low volumes it sounded fantastic!
The 4ohm connection was a lot worse than 8ohm.The Maggies are 6 ohms...
A friend suggested either a VT100 from AR or maybye Mcintosh 275.The latter is more in my budget..I currenty run a Papworth MIA200 ,200W solid state-quite good but a bit boring.I really want to test out tubes!Have anyone any recomandations?
No disrespect to the thread......but glad to hear from satisfied Manley amp owners. I bought the Manley's in 05 and talked to Paul Fargo who heads up their tech support. What sold me was that he stated these amps were "voiced" for the Maggies. At this point in our conversation he did not know I owned a pair of the 3.6's.
I have recently bi-amped my 20.1 with a VTL ST-150 (75 w in triode mode) on top and 120w/ch Bel Canto on the bottom through a Bryston 10B crosover. I'm upgrading from 600w/ch solid state.
The enjoyment increase resulting from this change is astounding.
I have a pair of Maggie 1.7's driven by two Mac 275 Tube amps = Heaven. I use 1 amp per channel I guess they would call that Mono blocked and delivers 150 watts per speaker. I have had this system turned up in Party Mode without any adverse affects. The 275's are absolutely noiseless (total Black background). These things weigh appox. 70-80lbs each and seem to me have all the current that the Maggies need plus the power. I would look first for a good used one or 2
and see what you think. Goodluck with your search, Mel.
I have tried many, SS and Tubed...

Use a pair of Carver Black Beauty 305's mono blocks - Six KT-120's per side or his updated BB 350's - six KT-150's per mono block.

I use the 305's on my 20.7's; best sound that I have had in my 35 years in this crazy hobby. They will drive anything and sound great!

Highly recommended.
I've driven my few months old M3.7i with also a few months old CAD 120S MkII with many different power tubes such as Psvane TII KT88, Tungsol KT120, W.C (Svet/SED) 6550/EL34, Ruby EL34 (one bad tube) with excellent results. The front end 6SN7 has been either Tungsol GTB or Sylvania JAN WGTA or CHS GTB. The driver has been either TJFM or EH GP. The CAD 120S MkII is upgraded to the Vcap CuFT reference caps and Solemn bypass caps with Cardas solder.

The CAD 120S MkII is driven by the SLP-98P that have Sylvania 6SN7 JAN WGTA or CHS GTB like the ones in the CAD 120S MkII. And the TJFM 6SN7 are the driver. The Phono tubes are Telefunken or Psvane. The SLP-98P is upgraded to the Mundorf S-G-O and mil spec resistors.

All NIB or NOS tubes have been fully broken in with close to 150 hours.

Phono input is from the VPI Scout 1.1 with upgraded tonearm and Dynavector 20x.

Digital source is from the Oppo 105D with AQ Columbia interconnects.

The result is simply breathtaking with a lot of audible improvement in deeper black background with more sound clarity, instrument separation in terms of more accurate image, wider soundstage, deep tight bass, sweet midrange and extended strong clean crisp treble. The entire audio response is very flat and dynamic with balanced tones.

The volume is about midway at the SLP-98P for most phono records to fill the 25' tall ceiling 21x20 living room open to staircase and kitchen. For digital music sources the volume is only at 11 o'clock to have the same SPL.

Overall I'm extremely happy with the synergy from this awesome setup. The Parasound A21 Halo sounds really harsh for the already clean fast crisp sound reproduction from the M3.7i. The CAD 120S MkII has plenty of reserve power (60WRMS in triode and 120WRMS in UL switchable on the fly) to handle the M3.7is beautifully as they sound better than my SF dynamic speakers by miles.

The low power but beautifully sound Yaqin MC-13S with W.C EL34 and Mundorf S-O cap (6 total) upgrade cannot drive the M3.7i properly. It is hooked up to the SF in the second listening room but definitely cannot be in the same league with the M3.7i setup.