Tube amp for rock? Newb Questions

Ive been plowing though the posts here and thought this seems like a place I could find some more help.

Anyway, I listen to rock about 80% of the time. Anything from very heavy metal to 80s rock. Some blues, some softer rock, and Pink Floyd, I dont mind jazz or big band or female vocalists, but im off point....mostly rock. My room is about 12X22.

Im upgrading a very mainstream set of components that ive just sort of lived with for years:
Yamaha CDC 905 Changer
JVC 518VBK AV Reciever
Kenwood JL-680 3-Way, 12"main, 92db, 70w, Circa 1989 Speakers

Going to a hi-fi shop of any kind is just not realistic on a regular basis(very remote) so im leaning heavily on the forums and reviews online to gauge a direction.

So far ive tried a Cambridge Azur 340A and now currently demoing a 540A (both along with a set of AudioQuest ICs). Honestly the ICs made a huge leap with my original setup..I was impressed. Anyway, the CA amps are very musical, more imaged and more detailed. However my initial impression is these are not rock amps. Negatives are the guitars are now more "in the back" so to speak, more harshness/treble/brightness, and also a more general laid back sense, almost like the corners of big rock and roll hits are rounded off if that makes sense.

Am I on track that these amps arent rock amps? Or is it possible the speakers are now more exposed for their faults? Ditto the CD player?

To take this further, I feel whats most associated with "rock" or "heavy metal" are punch, power, volume and bass. I a point. Ill take killer midrange over heavy bass, and what good are punch, power and volume without feel, subtleties and tone?

As a side note, ive been playing guitar for 20+ years, when talking guitar amps, IMO there is nothing to discuss, tube is FAR superior to SS. I particularly like EL84 juiced amps, smooth, warm amd sweet. Is there a correlation with tube audio?

I dont want to start the "what to upgrade first" debate, ive read all the many many opinions....:) Im open to speakers or source, but right now looking at amps(with my system im thinking just pick one and get started...bad idea?)

I know some feel SS is the way to go for a rock amp, but currently im assuming based on my experiences so far and guitar tastes im going to like tube amps. I certainly could be wrong.

I like the talk about the Manley Stingray. Ive read everything every search engine will find about it and talked to Manley as well as some dealers. Any opinions on it for my wants/need? What about the Prologue 2 or the Jolidas? Are then in the same ball park as the Stingray or are we talking a step down?

For speakers ive looked at and considering(based on $$) the Athena F2.2s, Paradigm Espirits, and most others in this price range, but also found some Dali Towers that are slightly more(may get a chance to hear them in a couple of weeks). Based on my future plans/$/listening habits, any recommendations?

I hope tihs is semi-clear, I appreciate any thoughts, Thanks!
I really don't agree that metal is in general badly recorded! Despite being a manufacturer, and despite audiophiles generally using light jazz with female vocals, the fact of the matter is that metal faces its own set of issues in the recording- ones that are only solved by proper technique.

A good pressing of Black Sabbath's second album will bring most high end audio systems to their knees in seconds. The recording is spectacular.
I was quoting some reps in the rooms...not me. I dont agree either. I had some very nice sounding cds with me which I was told were thin, overly compressed, etc etc. One dude(me)with some cds...trying to tell a guy with a room full of hi end gear that his equipment wasnt cutting it....well u know.... Wont name names...but it happened more than once.

+1 for Paranoid. My reference cd for years has been Iced Earth Horror Show. Metal with violins, organs, female vocals and much more. Its all over the place. I probably have yet to hear it as it was intended...but im still searching....:)

BTW...Ralph is it? I wandered in your room at the 06 show, had I known your appreciation of Sabbath....i'd have stayed longer...:)
I heard a pair of Supratek Monduese KT88s at 100watts RMS driving some rebuilt Gale 401s[one of the alltime great rock speakers].Stevie Ray Vaughan never sounded better.
I had the LP on hand too, along with a few other metal faves. The system we had in the room had no upper limits as far as sound pressures were concerned :) although the bass was best up close, which was odd. Every room has its issues...
So where is a good place to get CDs that are recorded well. I would love to be able to listen to Aerosmith without getting disgusted and switching to another CD.