Tube Amp & Preamp for ML Summits?

I have decided to buy a set of Summits and am looking for some suggestions for a tube amp & preamp. I have a Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD player. I listen to accoustic, jazz, classical and female vocals mostly. Once in a while I do like to listen at a fairly high listening level but nothing crazy. I would like a remote for the pre and the amp needs some power to drive the Summits to a higher level. I would like to stay under $6500 for the pair. Any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
I have been using the Wolcott mono Blocks for around 4 years or so with my Martin Logan Prodigy's. and wouldn't use anything else.
I think it would be a great match up if you find a pair
I see them come up for sale here every now and then for around 6000 used give or take a few$$.
Good luck
I will keep my eyes open for the Wolcotts. Atmasphere, have you tried your amps with the Summits? If so which model would get me to a higher listening level. As I stated VTL said their 150 watt ST-150 would work but not sound good at higher levels,
Hi Pal, some of our customers have reported very good results using the MA-1 with the Summits. Recently one of our dealers reported that an audition went very well with M-60s too. So my comments are based on customer reports, which jive with our other experiences with ESLs. I've not heard the new Summits yet but I'm looking forward to it- the reports are excellent.