Tube Amp Recommendations

Looking for a tube amp, less than 3K and preferably not more than 2500 dollars, that can power Von Schewikert VR 4 JR speakers. I am using Morrow Audio SP2 speaker cables (a phenomenal produc, the highly acclaimed Audiohorizons tube pre-amp, an Alesis ML-9600 CD player/recorder, a Taddeo Digital Antidote, and LAT international as well as Audiohorizons interconnects.

I wish to avoid the extreme hassle that I experienced with VTL MB-225t monoblocks (will sell very cheaply)with the biasing. If not an autobias set up, I'd need some middle ground from what I went through with the VTL's. Monoblocks or single chassis are OK. Preferably Id like a company that has a reputation of being very service oriented if needed.

If there are amps out there that you can recommend, I am all ears. I am new to the tube game on the amp side. I do have a Music Reference 125 wpc amplifier that is very, very good on one of my systems. However, the audiophile in me wants to try something else.

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Hi - I would highly recommend the PrimaLuna line. I have the Dialogue 2 integrated myself, but their separates are nice as well.
Gary Dodd makes some clean, mono blocks that run in ultra linear 4 EL34's per amp. 3 signal/phase splitter tubes, and the whole outfit can be retubed for under $300... with great tubes! If you find one with the cap upgrades he offers, you're in business.

I have the MK II 120s... with the cap upgrade. I surely can't complain what so ever about their versatility, and bang for the buck.

you want tubey sweetness? Roll two of the 3 signal tubes. More? Then all 3. Need fast, quick, dynamic, and full range output? Same thing again. With a mediocre outlay for some small tubes, these amps are several amps in one pair... and preowned, I've seen them go for about 2-2500, with the cap and a back up set of tubes! Less of upgrades course for the non upgradeed ones, which you can then get upgraded.

they hold bias well, and have on board meters so it's a cinch to do. I got mine config to allow for an outboard (more accurate) meters use with simple alligator clips which afix to the meter leads.

Great all around amps IMHO. Far gbetter overall than the BAT VK 60 for ex. and near the same price.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
I second the RM9. I've owned one for several years. I've gone through a lot of components but have kept the RM9. There's enough power to drive a lot of speakers. Plus, from a build standpoint, Roger M designs his amps to last over 50 years.
RM9 fans, had a chance to compare with the RM200? I think Roger stopped making the RM9 because of the cost of transformers he used in that series, was something lost? I have the Special Edition RM9 which is a little different, but its as a good an amp as I've heard - the first amp that "allowed" me to sell the CAT JL2.
DIY HiFi Supply now offers their EL34/KT88 "Ella" amp with autobias. It's a very nice amp with a lot a refinement since its inception (I own one of the early kit versions). I've had them build me a Django TVC linestage and the assembly was flawless. If 40-55 watts suffice, the Ella's worth a look.