Tube amp recommendations to drive Paradigm Tributes

I am looking for recommendations for a decent reasonably priced Class A / Tube amplifier for my listening room. I currently have an integrated Peachtree Nova500 driving a pair of Paradigm 30th Anniversary Tributes.  The Nova supposedly outputs 500 watts per channel (into 8 ohms). The Tributes specs say impedance is  "compatible with 8ohms" I'm not exactly sure what that means. Regardless, the system sounds very good and I enjoy it. However I am very curious about class A/tube amps. Last year I listened to a Bob Carver Crimson 275 amp and was very impressed. I wonder if that would be a good match for the Tributes. Any input would be appreciated.
I've heard the Tributes at a dealer many years ago.  They are a terrific speaker.  I compared them against an A'gon favorite and was stunned.  They ate the competitor's lunch.  IMO.  

Ok, ... when I A/B'd the Tributes, the dealer used an ARC VS 115 trade in.  He used that to drive the Tributes and the competitor speakers.  My amp, an ARC Ref 150 SE, shares a similar ARC house sound with the VS 115.

Bottom line:  the Tributes are very sensitive.  You don't need tons of power.  If you want to hear magic, try an ARC tube amp, preferably a new'ish  model that uses KT-120 or KT-150 power tubes.  Pre-owned is fine.  Drive the Tributes off the 4 ohm taps.  You will get a flatter frequency response and deeper, tighter bass because the output impedance off the 4 ohm taps is relatively low; lower than the 8 ohm taps.

I realize its hard to do meaningful comparisons unless you can match the Tributes with an ARC amp and compare it to other amps, so consider my comments as just a data point.

In short,  I think the Tributes and a modern ARC amp make for a magical combo.  IMHO.