I have a pair of CS-2 that I have been playing with for the last several weeks. I am very impressed. I have been given the direction that SS amps work the best with these...I am not sure why that would be the case but I have not had an opportunity to experiment yet. I am using a Wyred 4 sound 4 channel ICE based amp from Cullen in CA....it has 125w modules for the top and 250w for the bottom....it sounds very good.
I agree that the Behringer must be the weakest link and my suspicion is that improving this will have far more impact than the choice of amplification (assuming sensible choices are made here). I am looking into having the Behringer modded by Reference Audio and would be curious if anyone has done this yet and would like to commnet on the results.
I had not heard that Clayton was working on his own X-over so that might be interesting as well
I find the speakers do things like Dynamics and openess better than virtually any speaker I have had (a very long list with most in the $10k-$20k retail range) but that they lack a bit of refinement...this perspective is relative to live music as I use this as my reference...I really think the x-over must be the way to resolve this....Kyle at Reference certainly makes a strong statement that this is his belief and experience.....Fun speakers! I'm very glad I followed my insticts on this one. Can't wait to hear the $8K-$10k version Clayton is working on.
I agree that the Behringer must be the weakest link and my suspicion is that improving this will have far more impact than the choice of amplification (assuming sensible choices are made here). I am looking into having the Behringer modded by Reference Audio and would be curious if anyone has done this yet and would like to commnet on the results.
I had not heard that Clayton was working on his own X-over so that might be interesting as well
I find the speakers do things like Dynamics and openess better than virtually any speaker I have had (a very long list with most in the $10k-$20k retail range) but that they lack a bit of refinement...this perspective is relative to live music as I use this as my reference...I really think the x-over must be the way to resolve this....Kyle at Reference certainly makes a strong statement that this is his belief and experience.....Fun speakers! I'm very glad I followed my insticts on this one. Can't wait to hear the $8K-$10k version Clayton is working on.