Tube amps - what 3 things…

Hello all,

I am close to purchasing a tube amp moving away from SS. So far I have listened to a pure sound, PL, and allnic. 

Question for all you experienced owners - if you could do it all over again, what 3 things/features would you look for in an amplifier and what 3 things/features would you not invest in again?




I agree with the previous comment on transformers being the most important component.

I recently posted about some coupling capacitor upgrades on some chifi integrated tube amps and it made a big different in sound quality.

But just recently I gave some Icon Audio equipment a try again (had one several years ago). In direct comparison to the chifi gear the resolution doubled. I am hearing elements of the music at are either veiled or completely missing on the chifi gear even after upgrades of tubes and capacitors. This is primarily due to the better transformers on the Icon and of course the actual circuit design.

Next most important thing is do not listen to Youtube reviews. I think many of those guys are being paid off to promote average equipment or they are half deaf and have not experienced truly good equipment.

Once you find a good piece of equipment you can tweak the tone with some nice tubes or upgrading a few coupling capacitors. But it would be unrealistic to try to upgrade transformers.

I agree with the previous comment on transformers being the most important component.

Until they aren't. Tube amplifiers with output transformers, regardless of how good they are wound are not as transparent as their OTL or direct drive counterparts (given a level playing field). I've have all three design types and it's pretty clear what an output transformer adds to the mix. Getting rid of the capacitor at the output is also a benefit.


I have a selection of amps including Naim (solid state), Vincent pre / power (Hybrid) and recent Cayin (tubes). Currently despite being the cheapest the Cayin clearly wins in my system (but with EL34 tubes not KT88's). Three lessons, 1, forget the technology listen to the amplifier. 2, some speakers suit some amplifiers, some do not, listen to speakers first then buy an amplifier that suits them. 3, don't be hung up on price, I auditioned at least 20 tube amplifiers before buying I am perfectly happy with the cheapest, by a long, long way. Features, don't pay for ones you don't need, they add cost and complication. Think cars with multiple 'drive' settings, the 1st month you try them all, 95% will never change them after that. 

My Firebottle is from late 2016 (it has its birthday on the bottom with Had's signature) I and  bought it in early 2017 for 1100 bucks or so. I'll never sell it.

Hidaleeho.  Having computer troubles, so just seeing the status of this thread.  Good exchange of info...good.  Ralph, I'm sure that I'm wrong because I'm even more sure that you're right.

Got some 8 Henry chokes on the power supplies of the amps at chez xeno, and wow, they're lurkers.  Carry on...