Tube CD-player question

What is a great sounding tube CD-player out there ?

Is there a SS CD-player with a smooth tube sound?

i have a vincent model 6, using 1 12 volt and 1 6 volt tube in the buffer stage. it retails for about $1800.
i am using it as a transport with a sigtone shek d2 16 bit dac. i am satisfied with the combination in that it doesn't bleed my ears. the cd player by itself is perhaps on the transparent side and a bit too detailed for my taste, but it seems to be a decent transport.
Second the Modwright units. A tube rectified one is the way to go. Great units and superb values.
If you can find a ModWright modified Sony here at a reasonable price I think you would be happy. I'm very happy with mine,not a day goes by that I regret buying it.