Tube, hybrid or solid state for Merlin TSM-MMs?

Dear Audiogoners and/or Merlin TSM owners,

After listening to my HT for years and I finally decided to build a second stereo only system. I consider myself still a novice and would much appreciate any recommendations for my project with limited budget (<$2000 excluding speakers). I am planning on getting used equipments on Audiogon.

I started by acquiring a pair or merlin TSM-MMs. I love them even with my Aragon 3 channel amp. I am considering getting a integrated amp to drive the TSMs and a CD player. I started shopping and I am overwhelmed by the vast number of products, they all seem to have rave reviews. Based on the budget of $2000 for both amp and CD player, My questions are as follow:

AMP (<$1000 - $1400 used):
1) should I go integrated or separates? Tube, hybrid or solid state?

2) Will tubes with less than 30 watts output be sufficient to drive the TSMs?

3) I kind of narrow down to a few models: (I realized the choice of going separates is very limited based on my budget, hence I've browsing at the integrated amps.)

Tubes/hybrids - Shanling STP-80; Jolida 502B: Onix SP3; Pathos Classic One MKII; Unison Research Unico.

Solid State - Krell 300i; Musical Fidelity X150; Arcam A32, A90; Classe CAP-101, CAP-151.

3) Some of the Chinese made Amps look pretty good (such as Shanling, Consonance and Dared), but are they any good?

4) Are there tube integrated amps on the market that come with pre-outs? In case I want to get a separate amp when I have more budget.

CD Player (<$1000 used):
1) Any recommendations is welcome. I kind of like the Rega Apollo and Jupiter. Anyone has experience with them?

2) Should I go with a transport and an outboard DAC (such as the Audio Alchemy combo)?

By all means, I am not limiting myself to the above choices, any other recommendations are welcome and much appreciated. Perhaps there are already existing threads on the subject, if so, would someone please point them to me?

Swampwalker, thanks for your advice and pointing out the missing info. The size of my listening room is about 25 x 18 with a 14 ft. cathedral ceiling. Unfortunately it's a very 'live' room, hardwood floor with minimal furnishing, just an area carpet, a sofa and a coffee table. The listening position is about 12 - 14 feet from the speakers. The speakers will be situated against the short wall. Regarding music type, I listen to Jazz, string instruments(guitar, piano) and Pop vocals. I hope Bobby will be able to respond to this thread. Thanks.
Based on Bobby's recommendations, I put together a great combo at similar price points to use w/TSM-MXs.
Audio Analogue Puccini ss integrated
Bel Canto DAC2
Pioneer DVD player as transport.
We used Signal Cable all around (my recommendation to my buddy).
This is a great combo, and although you might have to hunt a bit to find a Puccini, it might be worth it.
Of the ones you list, IMHO the Classes are likely to be okay. I'd stay away from the Krell KAV series; too bright, and the Merlins will expose that fact. Heard good things about the Pathos, but haven't listened to it. It's pretty...Cheers,
That's a pretty big room. You are going to need some power. HOwever, the Merlins are a pretty easy load. Right now there is a Jadis Orchestra integrated for sale for $1500 which is a bit of a stretch but is reported to be an absolutely great sounding integrated. You might want to call Bobby about that amp; if its a good match, I would jump on it.
you should give me a call at the merlin plant, kilsho.
585 367 2390
i will try and help you because there are a number of things mentioned that will not be right for the job but i will not mention them here.
bobby at merlin
2K for both is fine for starters,but low for the finish.If you can continue to use the Aragon,do that and spend all the money on your source and cables.If you need the Aragon elsewhere,then try a Sony 333,555,or a Marantz 8260.Those will cost from 350 to 700 roughly.With the remaining money,look for one of those Italian tube integrateds maybe as Bobby likes tubes.Thats just one of several ideas.Nice room,have fun,good luck,Bob