Tube Phono Stage with balls, and slam!!

Hello friends
I have a Well tempered TT, classic made in the 90's, with a Zu Denon 103 Catrtridge , and a Vacume Tube, phono stage, wich is solid state,  with a tube push and pull intergrated amp, with Zu speaker's
It seems to me that the set up, might be bright, on 60% or recordings, with the piano on the up, and femails, on volcals, seem a bit bright!!
Should I go for the Decaware, phono stage, which is tube based!!, or would this be to much, on the soft side??
I like my music, with deep bass, with slam!!(I do get this with some recordings) , but sometime some recordings are a  bit bright!!, I have a solid state phono stage, with RCA plug's, that fit in the rear of the unit, to excite, or tame the above, my tast in music, is Rock,Punk, new wave, power jazz etc!!, I have used 100ohms, plugs, and 275 ohms, but can't seem to get it right, I'm almost there!!
Any thoughts
David Spry
Second the Manley Steelhead.  I have had mine for about 7 years with no problems and definitely dynamic as all heck.  It was way superior to my previous Aesthetix Rhea.  If you want to improve on this, get some NOS 6DJ8/6922/7308 tubes for the gain and 5687/7119/6900 tubes for the white followers.  I currently run some Telefunken 6922s and Mu/Bendix 6900. There are probably some better phono stages out there but considerably more expensive.
Not enough ideas from your original post in "analog"?

Regardless of your choice, you probably will need a step up transformer. The Decware  looks like a nice unit for the money. Not enough gain to use your Denon. Know that ANY all tube unit will have a degree of noise if you listen LOUD.
I use an all tube piece, and when the volume nears 11:00-12:00(rarely) some hiss, though not annoying, is present in quiet passages.The "realness" of a good tube phono stage simply can’t be duplicated unless you’re prepared to shell out considerable amounts of cash for a SS unit.