Tube Pre amp or Solid Pre Amp

I am new with the high-end audio and I am look for a new or used pre amp to go with my system but I do not know what kind of preamp (tube or solide) would be best for my system.
Speakers: Vienna Bethoven
Amp: Bryston 4BST
CD player: Theata mile (run direct to amp)
Speaker cable: 8TC ( shot gun )
Interconect : Silver from homegrown audio.

Showing 1 response by south43

I too like the tube pre/ss amp combo. I also agree with stehno. My suggestion is to audition a aes(cary) AE-3. This pre can come as a kit(if you are so inclined) or from the factory. It has upgrade features and it's a triode design. This as I have written before to me is the best bang for the buck pre out there. In addition it only uses two tubes. Good hunting!