Tube Preamp for 4B SST2

I am new and this is my first post here, I recently bought Bryston 4B SST2 to improve the sound quality of my system below:
Logitech Squeezebox Touch streamer
Cyrus 6 CD
Perreaux DP32 (DAC/Pre)

I heard good things about the synergy between ARC and Bryston, and would like to buy and ARC preamp and currently have a good offer for a new SP17L for 2500$.
I know auditioning is the best way, but can't audition any ARC preamps here,
How do you compare the SP17L to other ARCs and do you have any other ARC suggestions? appreciate your help.
The BAT preamps sounds like a another intersting option and the used VK 31SE is about the right price to me,
How do you guys compare the sound signature to Audio Research, and is there's any experiences and specially with Bryston power it will be very useful to me.
I know someone who loves Aesthetix preamps through Bryston into PMC speakers.
Disclaimer, I don't have any experience with the Bryston amps.
I do own an ARC LS-16 mkII that I do enjoy. I've always liked the classic build quality of Audio Research products. Unfortunately I haven't compared different ARC models head to head.

But personally, if I were considering the SP series preamps the "L" line level version would not be my preference. To me, the whole beauty of the SP series is the excellent value for the money you can get with a good phono section included. I just think the SP series with phono are an excellent value in the high end.

If I were not interested in vinyl, I would favor the higher end LS series, which usually has better components. But again, that's just me, and if you can get an SP17L for a low enough price then of course it would be an equally good value. But you might want to price the phono model first as a comparison. I can't help but think the phono model would be better for resale purposes in case you ever want to get rid of it.

I also really love my Cary SLP-98 F1 tube preamp and it might be an excellent if you want a more classic tube sound to mate with the Bryston. Ditto for the tube BAT models.

Good luck and Welcome!