
Responses from wrm57

John Mayall has passed away
Saw him a couple years ago, first time since the early 70s. Carolyne Wonderland was the star of the show but John was still bringing it. RIP to an important elder.  
Tube or solid state phono stage?
Personally, I’ve never had a solid state phono stage that satisfied me. But admittedly, I have not tried many: a 2-box Trichord Delphini 25 years ago, which was left in the dust by a succession of tube phonos; and recently, a MoFi MasterPhono boug... 
Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state
I think the current-issue Sovtek 5ar4 is not very tubey, but still pretty balanced. Compared to what I consider the best, Holland Amperex, they are a little cold and brittle. But once burned in they do not have the harshness of some Sino examples.... 
Tone arm length
Interesting that JR’s preferred arm seems to be a 4Point-14, or so I’ve gathered from conversations with him. Maybe it’s just a convenient tool for analyzing cartridges.  
Tone arm length
Some very respected turntable manufacturers like Basis and Sota do not even give you a choice. Many very smart engineers look at 12 inch arms as being foolish. Although Basis does offer its TOL SuperArm as 12.5" and 16". And Origin Live, while ... 
Dimond Cantilevers And Tip Mass
The higher mass of the diamond cantilever relative to the stylus was one explanation, or perhaps I should say speculation, as to why the early applications by Ortofon, e.g. in the Anna, reportedly resulted in slightly reduced trackability. I have ... 
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
No, I agree that I would need your criteria met if I were to buy this hypothetical used cartridge. How many times can I say go for it? I don’t buy used cartridges so the point is moot, but I’m submitting to your hypothetical. But I also think this... 
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
Lots of ifs in this hypothetical. Sure, “if” all are satisfied, go for it.  
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
trust but verify with an independent expert. In other words, distrust until verification. If you find a seller willing to let you ship his cartridge around and have it handled by some third party, sure go for it without a second thought.  
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
I don’t do it. Too many vulnerabilities with cartridges. And while I have had many excellent retips done, the sound is never quite the same as original, IME. If you have the option of having a manufacturer do a rebuild of the purchase, which is es... 
Small Discrepancies in Speaker Placement
I make final adjustments by the 1/8th inch. No, I am not insane.  
My Sonic Lab Platinum v Gold Signature
No, I went for a Lyra Etna Lambda instead. The uncertain length of warranty from MSL (and its importer, MoFi: see the long mijostyn thread), put me off. And I had not used a Lyra since the entry-level Lydian Beta in 2000, so I wanted to see what t... 
Any experience with SVS 3000 Micro
I’ve owned the 3000 Micro for a couple of years and find it ideal for my application. It integrates seamlessly with my Merlin TSM MMI, extends bass low enough that I don’t feel I’m missing anything, adds presence to the sound, and visually disappe... 
Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable
@neonknight, please let us know what you think of the Agile. It's an arm that has long intrigued me.  
SUT for Ortofon SPU Mono CGDI MKII
The Ortofon ST-M25 was designed for your cartridge. Ortofon says it is a historical product, but Elusive Disc and Cable Co, to name two online dealers, still list it as a special order.