Al, thanks for the clarifications. I just installed an AT33EV at home and noted that the specs supplied in the manual were pretty thorough on those scores -- 10 ohms impedance at 1 khz; 22 uH inductance at 1khz -- but I gather that's not always the case.
I'm trying to learn the tech of cartridge loading so it's less trial and error. I get impedance matching and insertion loss. I get how you have to manage the resonant frequency of the RLC circuit with higher inductance pickups by being careful about capacitance loading (that resonant frequency never seems to get close to the audio range with low inductance pickups and any amount of real world capacitance you run into). I get the need to watch out for the cutoff frequency of low pass filters formed by output impedances and cable capacitances, though again that seems to be a rare real world problem. I'm not sure what other tech stuff comes into play. I guess the need for an RC network at the front of the phono stage with a cutoff frequency sufficiently low enough to reject RF noise but not too low to affect audio signal. What I don't quite understand is what, if any, disadvantages there are to lightly loading the cartridge. Like what are the problems that arise when loading a low impedance MC with a high impedance? Why would you want to load it down?
I'm trying to learn the tech of cartridge loading so it's less trial and error. I get impedance matching and insertion loss. I get how you have to manage the resonant frequency of the RLC circuit with higher inductance pickups by being careful about capacitance loading (that resonant frequency never seems to get close to the audio range with low inductance pickups and any amount of real world capacitance you run into). I get the need to watch out for the cutoff frequency of low pass filters formed by output impedances and cable capacitances, though again that seems to be a rare real world problem. I'm not sure what other tech stuff comes into play. I guess the need for an RC network at the front of the phono stage with a cutoff frequency sufficiently low enough to reject RF noise but not too low to affect audio signal. What I don't quite understand is what, if any, disadvantages there are to lightly loading the cartridge. Like what are the problems that arise when loading a low impedance MC with a high impedance? Why would you want to load it down?