Tube Preamp vs Solid State

I am in the process of choosing the right preamp for my system.
Speakers are Thiel CS 3.7, stereo amp Karan KAS 600 and source Ayon S5 network player.
Having a Karan solid state amp i can either take their KA-L Rerefence Mk3 preamp or go the tube way with a VAC Signature Mk2.
Will i benefit more mating the VAC preamp with my solid state amp ?
Any experience on the subject is welcome.
Out of interest - I am really taken aback by the fact if it is the case that your dealer won't lend you some pre-amps. In the UK it is taken for granted that you get to try out what you want before committing to the purchase. My penniesworth is that when I have heard a couple of all Karan Set ups they are pretty damn good - authority, even handed, not harsh at all. Like Wolf-Garcia i may go down the tube route one day, but I think what I may want will be stratospheric in price, and that which I have heard (mostly) is often soft at the top and bottom (Art Audio and VTL excluded which i thought were astonishing) - just to throw something into the mix - try and audition the following: Music First, DNM 3d; Lavardin pre-amp. Test as much as you can. There is also a lot of wisdom in the posts relating to your front end which may have a cd with a very good pre-out already
Someone also told me about NAT AUDIO making some very fine tube gear.
Their tube preamps are supposed to be very good, also a Serbian company like Karan Acoustics.
Any of u had the chance to audition NAT audio gear ?
If going passive, a used Placette Remote Volume control is a great idea. The Placette line stage can be had used for $800 or so and ads three inputs. These are made with the Nude Vishay bulk foil resistors and are quite accurate.
I don't know what your budget is, but I and at least one other have Ayre MX-Rs paired with a Nagra PL-L. It's a stunning combination. I suspect both of these can be purchased at "reasonable" prices. There are certainly others, but this is a good starting point.