Tube Preamps...I'm sold

At the constant urging of my friend I finally decided to audition a tube preamp (Eistein The Tube). All I can say is I am completely sold on the benefits of tubes in my system. I am not sure I have the vocabulary to describe what I heard but everything just sounded right. Vocals has a realism that made it seem I was in the same room as the musician. Instruments sounded like they were supposed to. There were details I have never heard before. What is amazing to me is that I have what I believe to be a pretty good ss preamp (Classe CP-700).

Ok, now for the hard part...finding the right tube preamp. The Einstein is amazing but I want to audition more. Can anyone suggest a tube pre in the range of $10K and less? I would love to some one with an output trigger and very fine volume control (0.5db). Thats all I need.

Thanks in advance.
Thomas O' Miller wrote " Best Tweak of the Year" "Still got your Sumiko Fluxbuster (discontinued)? Instead of just busting your cartridge's flux, turn it around.Plug the Fluxbuster into the system as a source and run its signal through the whole system at the lowest loudness levels." Atmasphere , thank you . In my opinion the Audioquest demagger works equally as well as the Fluxbuster or XLO CD. The Aq operates on 4 AA dc batteries.
I am very happpy with my Ming Da 2a3. I didn't roll any tubes initially but after I started getting hum I replaced the Electro-harmonix 6922's with JAN 6922's, and the 6SN7's with tung sol 6SN7's, which were a very modest upgrade. Has anyone dome some experimenting with this preamp and has any suggestions. I am quite happy but curious.
Funny that Tpinson has just revived this thread, since I noticed that the OP has given up on tubes and gone back to the silicon side.
So much for being "sold" on tube preamps, huh Tommy?
Relax, I'm joking. I know how all things audio are in a state of constant flux.

hey John! Remember my original post said I was sold on the Einstein The Tube. As you know, I did not want to spend that money so I "settled" on the ARC Ref 3. Perhaps if I had spent the big bucks and got the Einstein, I would still be sold on tubes. As it is, I am very happy with my silicon preamp but one of these days when I go really insane, I will probably try and get back into a tube pre. So like my wife, I reserve the right to change my mind and be fickle!