Tube Preamps...I'm sold

At the constant urging of my friend I finally decided to audition a tube preamp (Eistein The Tube). All I can say is I am completely sold on the benefits of tubes in my system. I am not sure I have the vocabulary to describe what I heard but everything just sounded right. Vocals has a realism that made it seem I was in the same room as the musician. Instruments sounded like they were supposed to. There were details I have never heard before. What is amazing to me is that I have what I believe to be a pretty good ss preamp (Classe CP-700).

Ok, now for the hard part...finding the right tube preamp. The Einstein is amazing but I want to audition more. Can anyone suggest a tube pre in the range of $10K and less? I would love to some one with an output trigger and very fine volume control (0.5db). Thats all I need.

Thanks in advance.
Crem1 - Thanks for the tip on the MC demag device. I never heard of this process. Now I have the itch to try.

I always wonder where my SP-10 might be today ... no doubt it has changed hands a few times since I sold it in 95. You describe this very well as portraying floating images. This is why it took me so long to find a product that had the SP-10 magic but then went to the next level of refinement. It was no surprise that it took the LS5, a return to an all-tubed line stage since the SP-10 a decade before, to bring back that musicality. All of the ARC "hybrid" designs from the SP-11 through the LS2 were too sterile for me.

As for SP-10 MK II status, as I recall, one can tell of this by seeing 2 pairs of 1 or 2-watt resistors, each pair in series and sitting on the board in a teepee fashion. I have since forgotten what the benefit or "fix" that came with the MK II update.

I would be reluctant to do any serious circuit design changes but rather simply focus to replace passive components in "critical" areas. But I would also be aware that some of the musicality/dimensionality might be lost for the sake of greater resolution and detail with "refined" passive parts. Getting both of these improvements would likely require a change to a different product.

I made one slight change in the MCP-33 to allow for the MC load to be as high as 200 ohms instead of the maximum 100 ohms. The MCP-33 owner's manual talks about this as a possible limitation of this product for some cartridges. And ideally my Clearaudio and Koetsu cartridges perform their best at a 500 ohm load but they work very well with the MCP-33 with a 200 ohm load...even the 100 load. I am reluctant to change the one resistor value any higher as this could affect any number of critical circuit parameters. And I would be reluctant to do anything similar in the SP-10. Having a circuit guru helps a lot.

Jafox ( John) : For the sake of transparency & accuracy , The demagg tweak was proposed by Thomas O. Miller , " Tweak of the Year" , " The Absolute Sound ", Volume 18, Issue 92 Winter , page 103. The tweak came to the attention of Mr. Miller via Roger Skoff of XlO Electric who co-produced the CD "The Sheffield/XlO Test & Burn-in CD" (adv.p.35). The XLO CD also contains calabration frequencies ( sec.6 & 7) that appear to do the same. According to XLO , the CD can be adapted for use with phono imputs.. Use either tweak only at very low listening levels-- afterward no problem , only jaw dropping sound . XLO is still around I believe , p/h 909-466-0382.
Thomas O' Miller wrote " Best Tweak of the Year" "Still got your Sumiko Fluxbuster (discontinued)? Instead of just busting your cartridge's flux, turn it around.Plug the Fluxbuster into the system as a source and run its signal through the whole system at the lowest loudness levels." Atmasphere , thank you . In my opinion the Audioquest demagger works equally as well as the Fluxbuster or XLO CD. The Aq operates on 4 AA dc batteries.
I am very happpy with my Ming Da 2a3. I didn't roll any tubes initially but after I started getting hum I replaced the Electro-harmonix 6922's with JAN 6922's, and the 6SN7's with tung sol 6SN7's, which were a very modest upgrade. Has anyone dome some experimenting with this preamp and has any suggestions. I am quite happy but curious.