Tube rolling experts!!!

Hi guys,

I am looking for advise based on your experience with these particular tubes in my components.  

I own a Raysonic CD128 since 2009. The player came with 4 Russian 6922 EH tubes. I don't know what's the average life span of tubes or when they start to deteriorate from their optimal performance. The player is used sparingly, may be no more than 500 hours over last 7 years. Is it time to replace stock tubes?  

The second components is Modwright Elyse with Phillips NOS 5R4GYS Rectifier and Tungram PCC88/7DJ8. Is there anything else out there that I can experiment for substantial boost in sonics?

I am after that lush midrange and extended top end. More air around the instruments, but stay away from anything that overly 'bright'.  

The associated components are Krell Evolution processor and Modwright KWA150SE (both solid state). 

Thank you for your time!
I have the Phillips 5R4GYS and Telefunken E88CC's in my Elyse and love the combination.  I did have to send my Elyse back for an issue which was fixed, I included the Telefunkens which Dan compared in his lab, his comment was they are very good.
azbrd, so far 2+ on Telefunkens. I am sure they are every bit good but also expensive. Just as much as Phillps miniwatt SQ. 

Thank you! 
I have had the Raysonic cd128 for about 5 years, never changed the tubes, the guy I bought it from had already upgraded tubes (philips) so I can not compare with original stock tubes.

A big change happened for me, when I swapped out the standard power cable to a Shunyata Alpha Digital.

Please could you advise, when changing tubes for RCA do you change all four tubes?
eyeshigher, thanks for your feedback.  I love my CD128 as well, it's a awesome player for under 2K. If you haven't already done so, try some of the K2HD and XRCD's, they sound phenomenal on this player. 

I agree with your assessment of upgraded powercord. I am using a Verastarr Grand Illusion Signature Series II PC.  

I am going to try Telefunkens E88CC/6922 first on my DAC and then upgrade tubes for CD128.  

I don't have much tube rolling experience, I am going to defer your query about changing all four tubes to someone who is probably an expert on the subject matter. 

Good luck!