Tube Tester

After a lifetime of solid state equipment I have switched to tubes, my first choice in sound but had not wanted to deal with the extra upkeep in the past. What do I need in a tube tester and any recommendations for something around $150 with shipping? I am using a Unison Research Triode 25 Integrated Amp with a Black Ice Audio DSD Wifi Dac, so the tester will need to be able to test EL34. 12AU7 and 12AX7 tubes.

I don't think you really need a tester.  I own an Amplitrex, but, it is on loan to a friend who owns many more amps than I do, does repair work on the side for fun and can put that beast to better use.  Others, above, have given great advice about swapping tubes to determine which one, if any, are at fault, and good advice on buying reserve tubes; if something sounds off, just switch in reserve tubes to see if that resolves the problem.  
I appreciate everyone's comments.
 Millercarbon, I want to be sure I understand you correctly. If you swap sides are you listening for the sound coming out of one speaker to change as in left/right channels?
I’ve also had tube gear for about 30 years and never needed a tube tester.  Save the money on a tester and just buy some extra tube sets.  Input tubes generally last a very long time and will make the most difference in most tube amps.  I recently had an integrated amp that the tube rectifier made a big difference as it allows more or less current to the amp which made a big difference sonically.  
So listen to what most people are saying here and save the money on a tube tester and just get extra tubes.