Tube vs Tran

As my kids are now in high school and beyond, I am starting to get back into 2 channel music.
I am looking at integrated amps with a budget of about $3000.00.
My question: if we always hear how great tubes sound as far as warmth, sound stage, etc, etc. Why buy trans equipment? If one uses speakers that are good match with tube, why not use?
There could be an obvious answer, and if so pls forgive me. But, I really am interested in what you all think out there.

Showing 4 responses by rwwear

Because it's not whether a component is tube or solid state it's how it sounds and performs.
I agree that damping factor has some effect on the poor bass of most tube amps. But wooly bass can mostly attributed to the hundeds of feet of wire in the output transformer. This is not always the case but the main reason.
It is a well known fact that transformers roll off bass and high frequencies in most cases. This is one reason tube amps seem to have good midranges. The upper and lower frequencies are attenuated in some designs especially the single ended varieties. Some people really like the euphoric sound produced by these designs.
I know Atmasphere, I used to work for Fourier. Markwatkiss, read the first response again.