Tube vs Tran

As my kids are now in high school and beyond, I am starting to get back into 2 channel music.
I am looking at integrated amps with a budget of about $3000.00.
My question: if we always hear how great tubes sound as far as warmth, sound stage, etc, etc. Why buy trans equipment? If one uses speakers that are good match with tube, why not use?
There could be an obvious answer, and if so pls forgive me. But, I really am interested in what you all think out there.
Because it's not whether a component is tube or solid state it's how it sounds and performs.
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Come on in! No need to stand out in the cold!

There is more to it than a simple tube or trans amp can give you. When you put a stereo together with $3000 components, you have to be careful what you choose to live together. Not everyone gets along with everyone else. You have to get complimentary personalities assembled and make sure they "jive," or whatever else you want to call it. It's like building a circle of friends. That is the key - not simply choosing a type of amplifying device. Hifi may look like buckets of metal but if you want music at the end of day then you have to respect the personality and character that went into each and every component. Just like a fine watch, or fine car, or fine anything.

There is no easy answer, you just have to experiment and see where it takes you. It is all relative to you so there is no need for any constraints, prejudices or biases. Just pay attention to the details and trust what your ears are telling you. That is the receipe. Good luck in your adventure.
