tubes or no tubes

ok, finally I am getting into higher performance...but now to cross or not to cross the tube bridge.

Sold my PMC TB2s, waiting on a pair of FB1s from a fellow Agon member and thinking of using a VTL ST 150. Go tubes or stick with my Bryston 3BST?

Just wondering about the sonic match to an easy speaker to drive (8ohm @ 90db)

Any thoughts...please? I think I know the answer, guess I am looking for the push...yes?
Thanks everybody, for the great feedback. I will be putting my SS up for sale in a few weeks, and seeking a tubed alternative. I can't wait !
Gelmhirst Hi.
Here is my experience:I am into the hobby for years,I don't claim to be the high-end authority,just learning from my mistakes .My first high-end powr amp was a ML 27.5 SS.It was bought new and it was so expensive for my low income at the time that I had to finance my purchase.I was all smiles from ear to ear.Roll forward a number of years later and I found myself wanted to try tubes as I was reading more and more about it in the magazines and such.Anyway I was making by then way more money and bought a CJ MV55.From the minute I listened to that little tubed power amp I was hooked,like WOW.Music to my ears.Sure my Levinson is much more powerfull but NOT as musical and mind you the ML27.5 is one mighty SS amp.A classic and one of the best that came out of Madrigal Labs.These days I use my 27.5 to drive the bass on my Aerial 10T while Rogue Audio M150's(tubes)are pushing the mids and highs.My CJ MV55 is in a secondary system.
Do yourself a favor and try Rogue Audio or any other reliable manufacturer that designs tube power amps,if music is high on your list.For the record I particularly enjoyed Raquel and Rooze posts,couldn't have said it better myself.
I use to own all tube equipment in the 80's ,went to solid state about 1990 to 2004,and crossed back over to tubes this year never to cross back again.My ears were so pleased when I crossed back to the other side.I have an ARC VT-60 and I will never look back again.
I had very good tube amps over the past decade. Cary slm-200's, Wolcott Presence 220's, and as of a week ago the Manley Neo-classic 250's. I never could deal with the 3 month tube failure syndrome so I was turned on to the Jeff Rowland Model 6. I thought this would be a lateral move but it turned out being another dramatic improvement. My speakers are the new Von Schweikert VR-7SE. The manley's were a joke compared to the Rowland. Manley's had half the bass and no where near the highs. They just couldn't control these speakers and left the sound on the bright side. Maybe its sonic compatability. The difference must be the higher current. The manleys were 250 watts and the Rowlands are only 150 which loses me
I guess I will tell you what everyone else has said, buy a good tube amp. The whole point is that if you want to improve the sound, buy NOS tubes. It can be a bit annoying, but when you get the right combination of tubes you will obtain magic. Just the fact that no one with SS gear bothered to respond to youir post should make your choice clear. With a speaker of 90dB you can read up on single ended, triode push-pull type amps. Whatever you choose you will live happly ever after.