Are there cartridges that are more suseptable to this type of interferance?Yes - Grado is one brand I had tried and found it was prone to noise.
I had one on my Rega and the hum got louder as the cartridge got closer to the center of the platter - it was closer to the motor.
Pity - it was a great cartridge other than that.
I now use a Denon DL103 and have no hum, just a little white noise at full volume
Nagoka was noise free and Rega carts
I think there are only a few cartridges that suffer noise issues - most are shielded properly, but noise from power supplies and power bars can be problematic
You could also have issues with your interconnects from the turntable - they can be a source of noise because even the slightest noise in those cables is amplified by the phono stage and the amp
Regards - Steve