Turntable interconnect

I do not know much about analog I am currently using an interconnect without a ground. There is no hum. Should I spend the money and get a regular phono cable with a ground. Have a VPI Classic and Nova Phonomena phonostage. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Different from issues associated with grounding, are concerns about shielding in the cables to 'protect' the small phono signal. Some phono cables are designed specifically for that purpose while others are just 'regular' cables with a ground wire attached. Unless the manufacturer specifically mentions it, one can assume (?) the latter.
All interconnects should have a shield. There may be some manufacturers that make a somewhat homemade variety that doesn't but I wouldn't use unshielded IC's.
Sields tend to close in the sound... I use unshielded balanced cable...dead silent.
Really appreciate all the advice from your posts have decided to let well enough alone. Thanks once again.