Turntable issue

I haven't had much luck finding an answer to this question so hopefully it's not something that's been asked a thousand times.

Yesterday I turn my preamp on, place a record on the player and I can hear every touch of the tonearm I make. It clicks when lifting it out of its resting position and when I screw or unscrew the record clamp this at is also very audible through my speakers. Also I'm now hearing a hum that was never present before.

I understand that the cartridge picks up vibrations and turns them to sound but this has never been something that was clearly audible before. I'v never heard siuns coming from my speakers when screwing the clamp on our off.

Thanks for any responses.

Project Tube Box S
Swapped the tubes out with a pair of reissued Mullards. Anyways mostly everything has gone away. When I tap the player I no longer hear it through my speaker, I cant hear the clamp being screwed...very slight hum when nothing is playing but only if I turn the volume up high.

Thanks again for all your help
"very slight hum when nothing is playing but only if I turn the volume up high."

That's normal tube rush. Glad you solved the problem.
Czarivey, Wouldn't you agree that the problem related to transduction of sounds into the speakers was shown to be a microphonic tube or tubes? Hum and noise are other bugaboos, but if the OP is now happy, then I would guess the hum and noise are minor issues, relatively.
I would agree after I test the 'suspects'. swapping tubes or cleaning sockets inside the box or swapping cartridge. Not too many unknown left so far...