Turntable on a $5k budget?

I'd like to give vinyl a try. I thought about starting with an inexpensive table but I think I may as well just buy once and be happy for a long time instead of upgrading later. I don't see why it wouldn't work out for me, I am willing to learn the proper setup just need a little guidance towards a good quality table and tonearm. I prefer a smooth, fatigue free sound over hyper resolution and detail.

I've listened to an SME 20/2 table with IV.Vi tonearm and I thought that was perfect for my taste but it is out of my budget. Should I be looking at suspended tables for that type of sound or is that not the deciding factor of how the table will sound overall?

The $5k is not the ceiling, I can extend my budget another $1500 for a tonearm on top of the table if the table is really that good.

I've read some reviews of the suspended tables such as Oracle, Sota and a few of non suspended such as Nottingham, Michell, Basis. Will any of the mentioned tables get me close to what I am looking for?

I am planning on using the phono stage of my McIntosh C500 preamp, it has both MM/MC phono stage. The rest of the system is McIntosh 501 monoblocks and Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento speakers.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by jbaussie

I am confused by your statement that your leaning towards a suspended table it appears your saying because of your floors.

My experience has been the reverse. I have had both suspended and non suspended and the suspended was susceptible to foot falls, etc.

My current non suspended is not. In my experience the suspended required greater isolation and is more difficult to dial in.

I don't think that non suspended tables are a big issue at all. Because of sound and setup issues, I would not go back to a suspended table.
Flyski, that is why I responded. Not wanting to get into a discussion of the merits of design but my experience has been that my suspended table was very prone to vibrations. As an aside, as a modification for said table when I removed the springs entirely not only did it sound better but I no longer had to exhort people to walk softly around it. Same setup, same table no springs. 30 Years ago while living in a NYC loft with beautiful but shaky wood floors I had a turntable that was not suspended and it was not an issue despite to wild and crazy times.

You should pick the table on it's sound and aesthetic merits. Either way you will find a way to make it work although you may want to mount the suspended from a shelf attached to the wall to really isolate it.

I hope others will include their experience in this matter.