Turntable Purchase Suggestion

I am going to add an analog front end. I have Bat 50se Pre and 75se amp driving Mezzo Utopia speakers. I cannot compare a variety of tables/arms. I have heard a Spacedeck only, but without comparisons, how am I supposed to know. Here are the suggestions I have had thusfar: Spacedeck w/spacearm.....Scoutmaster w/JWM arm.....Basis 2001 w/Vector arm.....Rega P-9 w/Rega1000 arm. Is there actually a best one or perhaps some other? I am trying to get the best sound (organic, focused, clean, dimensional, and smoth top end with solid bottom end) while spending no more than $8000. Phonostage suggestions include: BAT P10, Whest (double box version), Ayre and Brinkman.

Showing 1 response by dan_ed

Meyerb, you can add the Aesthetix Rhea to your list of possible phono stages. I have one that works very well with my 50SE. Probably a bit cheaper than a P10se as well.

I would suggest looking a bit higher up the Basis food chain at at least a 2500. I had a 2001 with a Vector and it is a very good combination. IMO/IME the 2001 is somewhat light in the bass reproduction. May break your budget, though.