Turntable set up HELP

OK, I have majorly messed something up and need expert advice. I set up my turntable a few months ago, and had no real problems, but I wanted to take it to the next level so I bought a Walley Tractor (well I ordered it in October, got it in January) and I tried to use it today. Well after I adjusted the cartridge using the Wally tractor, re-adjusted the needle force and anti-skate and put on a record. Well about 2 minutes in the record started to skip. Adjusting cartridge force again, anti-skate nothing helps. All the records skip. Platter is still level, I can't figure it out. Took everything off, re-set up, still skipping???


Showing 1 response by fightingwords

I had a very similar problem once. Took me days to figure it out. I'm not saying this guy did something similar, but it was a lesson in humility.

I had sat my brush on the plinth, just next to the pivot of the tone arm after cleaning a record and started to play. About halfway through every side it tried, the records would skip. Oh, God was it frustrating. I looked at everything reset everything, couldnt figure it out.

I was about ready to send it back for warranty work, when I dont know how how I realized it but the tone arm weight was just barely bumping the brush. The brush was heavy enough to not be moved and cause the tone arm to skip, over and over.

I was so embarrassed. I never even thought the brush would have caused this, I was so convinced it was something bigger. I honestly didnt even see the brush there.

Anyway, just wanted to share that becuase I'm sure everyones been there in some respect.