turntable " thump " sound when not running

Hi I have a question that’s been in the back of my to do list for the longest time so I decided to join the forum after reading so many postings over the years from this legendary community. :) I have a thump sound the same way it sounds when dropping the stylus on a record. it occurs about every 10-20 seconds or so regardless if the turntable platter is spinning or off. I am guessing its electrical? what causes this? I have a pretty decent setup yet modest compared to most of you guys in here and I think I shouldn’t have to deal with this thumping sound.  By the way this sounds only occurs on the phono.  the cd, tape, etc doesnt have this problem. 

Adcom GFP-750 preamp
Adcom GFA-555II amp
Jolida JD9 II
Music Hall 5.1SE TT (Sumiko Blue Point no. II)
LSA-1 Statement speakers

I have the turntable power supply adapter plugged into the back of the preamp power ports.
Should I move it to a different outlet? Maybe I just answered my own question.


Showing 1 response by rar1

Only reason to plug into the back of the preamp is that you power off the turntable, when you shut off your preamp.  It is better, in general, to plug the turntable into a separate outlet.  Your Adcom equipment is in the 25 years or so age range.  Rule out that there is an issue with the back outlet.
