Valleyplastic I have a mc 352/c42 I had a rega p-25 with a h/o benz ace 2.5MV since the c42 only has a moving magnet phono section. I did read the reveiw on the c2200 in Steriophile and it did and continues to get great reveiws and I know it has a moving coil phono sectio in it. The reveiw from Sam Telling on the c2200`s phono section is ok not great just ok, possably like my c42.
I purchased a BAT vkp-5 and was floored what a huge differance it made, then I purchased a used TNT JR w/ SME309/Benz RUBY H. and couldn`t be happier.Were I`m going with this is with your dollar allotment, do purchase the TT you are going to keep and not the one you can afford or you may go down the same road I and many have done (upgrade). Also do consider a external phono stage that may come into play when you purchase your cartridge (gain issue).The guys have allready gave you some excellent TT idea`s. I will say if I purchase I would take a look at the Teres line that cocabola plinth intrigue`s me, but as my wife knows me I would probably go for a Simon Yorke but thats another story. David
I purchased a BAT vkp-5 and was floored what a huge differance it made, then I purchased a used TNT JR w/ SME309/Benz RUBY H. and couldn`t be happier.Were I`m going with this is with your dollar allotment, do purchase the TT you are going to keep and not the one you can afford or you may go down the same road I and many have done (upgrade). Also do consider a external phono stage that may come into play when you purchase your cartridge (gain issue).The guys have allready gave you some excellent TT idea`s. I will say if I purchase I would take a look at the Teres line that cocabola plinth intrigue`s me, but as my wife knows me I would probably go for a Simon Yorke but thats another story. David