
I am kicking the idea of trying out vinyl. It’s been a long time since I had a turntable and it took a lot of thought whether I can deal with what always seemed like the snap, crackle & pops of an album. Anyway, I’ve decided to take a plunge after all the buzz how awesome it is. Of course before I make any final decisions, I always turn to the Audiogon community for their expert thoughts, opinions and education. I’m also looking for suggestions for a nice affordable table with tone arm and cartridge. Being the fact this is new to me and I may hate it, I’m looking for suggestions on the best affordable set up I can do for a new or used in the price range of $1000/$1500. I’m sure I can get a better bang for the buck going used. I just don’t know anything about these animals. My system is older but I still enjoy it which consist of a Mark Levinson 23.5 amp, Proceed AVP 2+6 used for 2 channel audio, Audio Acoustics model 9 speakers, Ayre DAC for digital with Transparent Audio Ultra mm2 cables. Any input is greatly appreciated!
I was just able to catch up on these threads at lunch.

@gshepardbuster- you’ve been phenomenal with trying to get the problem rectified and I will continue to try and correct it. I listen to it at your house and I know there were no issues heard that day. I think we both just want it corrected and if we can get to that point, I’d love to keep it.

@paulcreed- Thank you for all the suggestions, lord knows I’ve tried almost everyone of them. Gshepardbuster and I have been trying to figure out and work out the culprit. I am so appreciative to have a AG community with so many seasoned veterans so to speak to lend expertise. 

To all although the seller and myself are trying to work out the plaguing issues, I always throw out test and different things tried so we all can learn and maybe share to the next victim of....”sound issues lol” once I get gone tonight, I’m am going to start poking again. Paulcreed, I think I am going to connect a bastard ground wire from the screw on the head shell/cartridge to the ground on the pre just to test. I’m also going to check humidity levels in my home. Although I have (2) whole hound humidifiers and they’re both working, I want to check the levels. If I recal, the popping and crackling is usually after the needle comes if the LP and I don’t think it pops prior to playing. I have to double check. If so, this would lead me to static? Still have to address the hum issues once and for all as well.
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@viridian- I’ve tried about everything. I messed around with it again tonight with no luck. At this point I’m not willing to buy a different cartridge right out of the gate or buy longer cables plus another stand etc. just to accommodate this setup. The seller and I are going to hook up Saturday and try a couple experiments. Hopefully we can figure it out. If not, I’ll probably  be in the market for another table & cartridge. 
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I’ll recommend something unconventional:

Buy the cheapest decent used turntable you can find (Thorens, Rega 3, even a Technics SL-D2 for under $50 - but stuff plasticine inside the ugly plastic plinth! -etc), and spend the majority of your money on a good MC cartridge and preamp.
In a couple of years, upgrade to a high end turntable.