Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?

I haven't been following this for a number of years. Just curious.

Does any of you have one of those ?

"Top of the range" is British English, that was intentional. When I think turntables, at least under $50k or so, I always first think British.


@yoyoyaya @lewm

That’s mostly correct. The Master field upgrade for the regular Innovation results in a full Master Innovation. There is no difference whatsoever between an upgraded Innovation and the retail Master Innovation. The cost of the upgrade is pretty much the difference between them. The Innovation (with no tonearm) is ~$15K + ~$19K for the Master upgrade. The Master Innovation is ~$34K (no tonearm). I am referring to prices for the piano black finish since that is what I have. The regular Panzerholz finish is about $2k less (or $1k each for Innovation + upgrade).

I have heard the Master Innovation with the 9" Universal arm and Clearaudio Statement Goldfinger cartridge on a Boulder/Dynaudio system. It was really impressive.


@dwette - yes. I am very familiar with all of Clearaudio's lineup.

If you have the opportunity, try to get to listen to the same combination with the Unity v the Universal - there is a significant difference.

When I found that the Clearaudio Statement ( at US150,000 ) could not keep accurate speed I decided their TT's are not fit for purpose.

@yoyoyaya I’m aware of the Unity, and have talked to Ken Bowers about it. I have two Universal 12" tonearms. The Unity – at $20K (less the trade allowance for Universal arms offered) – isn’t really on my radar, so it’s mostly pointless to compare it to what I have (and am happy with)...not that I have the opportunity to anyway.

$150k turntable does not keep accurate speed ? I find it hard to believe. Why doesn't it, what's wrong ?