Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?

I haven't been following this for a number of years. Just curious.

Does any of you have one of those ?

"Top of the range" is British English, that was intentional. When I think turntables, at least under $50k or so, I always first think British.


@inna are you saying you want to know about the best turntables that are still under $50K? I'll assume that and reply with:

  • Clearaudio Master Innovation ($34K)
  • 2 x Clearaudio Universal 12" tonearms ($6.7K each)
  • Clearaudio Innovation record weight ($750)
  • Clearaudio Outer Limit Ring ($1500)

This is just about $50K. I put this here, because I have this, except mine is the regular Innovation turntable and I have the Statement record weight, at $30K for everything, but I am thinking about adding the field upgrade kit to the Master Innovation for another ~$20K

@bigtwin I think that article is misinformed. The Clearaudio Statement v2 turntable is more like $250K now. I don't know if that's with or without the $35K Statement TT1 tonearm.

No, we are not talking about prices, more expensive may not be better or may be worse. Yeah, and that article was published in 2020. Any price.

Is Continuum still there at the top ?


But there are many top turntables not British.,

Clear Audio - Germany

AirForce US

AMG - Germany

@dwette  Please take a few minutes to build your virtual system.  I'd love to see it.  Cheers.

There are some erroneous posts here
Best turntables:
Techdas - not airforce as on poster calls it
CS Port
Quite a few others

@biftwin I don’t think I will. That just ends up being troll bait, in my experience. But for purposes of my response to this thread, I have (in addition to turntable noted above):

Lyra Altas Lambda SL
Lyra Atlas Lambda Mono
Boulder 1108 phono-stage
Naim 252/Supercap DR preamp
Naim 300DR power amp
Naim NDX2/XPS DR network streamer
Dynaudio Confidence C2 Platinum speakers
REL S/510 subs (stereo pair)

Dohmann Helix One is likely the best turntable out there. Unless you want to spend $350k on a Wilson Benesch. 

Origin Live Voyager S could be up there as well. But I'd go with a Dohmann before any others myself.

Was just thinking it’s ironic that the LP12 is denigrated for the high cost of upgrades but Clearaudio gets away with it because for $20,000, you also get a name change.

Woots, what spectrum? And by the way, which Kuzma? No one here mentions any direct drive TT. The Dohmann Helix is the only belt drive I’d have in my system, if I were limited to BD.

Technics SP-10R, SL-1000R, and SP10 mk3 are in the conversation for best turntable in the world and sell in the $10-20k range.

Dohmann, the same man who designed the Continuum tables. No wonder.

Most will think that belt drive is the way to go, certainly at the top level. But this is an endless discussion. It's like some will only listen to horn speakers. As a tape man, not a vinyl man, I don't think I am biased. Whatever sounds more right to me.


Inna, No one of us thinks he is biased, in the sense that he or she thinks he or she cannot make an objective judgement.  And yet....

Well, we are all biased, it's matter of degree.

Those top tables sound different with the same cartridges, I bet. How do you compare them in your own system, I wonder? Buying $40k+ turntable without that would be...you find the right word.

The question to me is how you evaluate this in the real world, given the limitations that most brick and mortar dealers have, aside from their choice of top tier brand(s), which may limit you.

I would never say no to another table, or suggest that what I run is the "best"-- so many different factors, including arm mounting facilities, space, even aesthetics come into play. And isolation can be a beyotch with a high mass turntable. I actually had a structural engineer come here when we bought the place to evaluate isolating a Kuzma XL on an HRS plinth. He said no way. I use the biggest Minus K desk top for it, and it eliminates the footfall risks in an old landmark wooden house.

Downstairs I run an early SP-10 that I bought new in 1973.

I’ve heard (or not heard) various other high end tables over the years, from the Rockport to Albert’s SP-10 set up using Panzerholz, to the Brinkman that used a tube motor controller, to the Kronos. Have not heard the TechDas to my recollection. Lots of choices, and when you add up cost of arm(s), phono cartridges, cable and phono stage, it’s a big commitment.

I had a lot of records, so moving on up made sense. I had the Kuzma Reference with a Triplanar and the XL with Airline outperformed it in several respects (using the same cartridge), but you need to deal with isolation and an air compressor, and utilize a low compliance cartridge for best results in my estimation.

Most "lists" of great tables are likely not to get disagreement from me. I really think it depends on the user and some of the factors I mentioned above.

@overthemoon Linn is near Glasgow, Scotland; however, Rega is not in Scotland. They are headquartered in Essex, England, which is in the southeast closer to London.

I think, the only American turntable that at least used to be there was Walker Audio.

I may be wrong.



Was just thinking it’s ironic that the LP12 is denigrated for the high cost of upgrades but Clearaudio gets away with it because for $20,000, you also get a name change.

The name change isn't the point and you know better if I'm not mistaken. Have you heard a Master Innovation? I have. It's a pretty amazing deck.

Bill, does the Technics do anything better or not worse than the Kuzma XL ?

How good was that Brinkman with tube power supply ?

"Dohmann Helix One is likely the best turntable out there” in terms of speed accuracy and stability?? cmon.. 

"Louis Vuitton” style assessment LOL 

I don’t think it is on a level playing field for a controlled comparison-- b/c upstairs where the main system is, I could not get the SP-10 to isolate, even with a heavy plinth, rubber feet and a big Ginko cloud. The SP-10 does duty in the vintage system on the ground floor, centered around Quad ’57s, using antiques, an Mc 110z preamp tuner, and a pair of old Quad IIs from the late ’50s early ’60s. Everything was gone over by the late Bill Thalmann, and top glass in everything, but still, it is a limited bandwidth, limited dynamics system, and would not make for a fair comparison, @Inna. PS: the model is the early one, before the mk ii and iii and does not benefit from the further refinements in motor and heavy platter, though it is somewhat scarce in the wild. I have owned it for more than 50 years and wanted to put it back in use, rather than buy a new table for the purposes it is used. 


On the Brinkman, I couldn’t believe the difference it made favoring the tube. I’m not sure why, since it isn’t directly in the audio path, but there it was.

This looks good, very vintage, very to the roots.

Yeah, that's interesting what tube power supply did there. I have a hypothesis - tubes are just superior devices, whatever you do with them, if you know what you do.

Bergmann Galder w/ Oden Tonearm.  Beautiful equipment from Denmark, I believe.  Sounds amazingly black

@lewm, to supplement what dwette says above, the Master Innovation upgrade is pretty close to buying a second Innovation turntable with all of the parts count that goes with that and that is what the price reflects.

The new Clearaudio Unity arm is also pretty amazing.

M Fremer reports that these later turntables beat the Caliburn:

  • SAT XD1
  • Techdas Airforce Zero
  • OMA K3

A budget choice for top sonics is Esoteric Grandioso T1, wish it was within my budget.

Some ~50k choices:

  • CS Port LFT1
  • Dohman Helix 2
  • J.Sikora Reference
  • Continuum Obsidian

Yeah, buy them all, compare in your system, keep the one and sell the rest. Now that's the approach.

@yoyoyaya @lewm

That’s mostly correct. The Master field upgrade for the regular Innovation results in a full Master Innovation. There is no difference whatsoever between an upgraded Innovation and the retail Master Innovation. The cost of the upgrade is pretty much the difference between them. The Innovation (with no tonearm) is ~$15K + ~$19K for the Master upgrade. The Master Innovation is ~$34K (no tonearm). I am referring to prices for the piano black finish since that is what I have. The regular Panzerholz finish is about $2k less (or $1k each for Innovation + upgrade).

I have heard the Master Innovation with the 9" Universal arm and Clearaudio Statement Goldfinger cartridge on a Boulder/Dynaudio system. It was really impressive.


@dwette - yes. I am very familiar with all of Clearaudio's lineup.

If you have the opportunity, try to get to listen to the same combination with the Unity v the Universal - there is a significant difference.

When I found that the Clearaudio Statement ( at US150,000 ) could not keep accurate speed I decided their TT's are not fit for purpose.

@yoyoyaya I’m aware of the Unity, and have talked to Ken Bowers about it. I have two Universal 12" tonearms. The Unity – at $20K (less the trade allowance for Universal arms offered) – isn’t really on my radar, so it’s mostly pointless to compare it to what I have (and am happy with)...not that I have the opportunity to anyway.

$150k turntable does not keep accurate speed ? I find it hard to believe. Why doesn't it, what's wrong ?

One of the best, perhaps the best, table I have heard is the Basis Transcendence.


Basis tables & arms made in NH our excellent at all their levels. Couldn’t say for sure but I’ll bet their models 2200 or 2800 w/ a Vector 4 arm gets you most of what the really top turntables do for a “high” but not “insane” price. Of course you can go higher in their line if so desired. The engineering & build quality are very high. My 20 year old 2500 still works perfectly & sounds excellent. 

@whart +1

The question to me is how you evaluate this in the real world, given the limitations that most brick and mortar dealers have, aside from their choice of top tier brand(s), which may limit you.

Late last year I asked Upscale Audio in LA [I think one of the bigger places out there] to set up a demo to show that there are differences in sound just from plinth-arm, so two set-ups with same cart on same electronics. Their choice of tables, carts, anything, just to see whether plinths-arm actually makes an audible difference. They flat out refused. And I have been a repeat customer with them.

So I blind-bought a Rega NAIA package. All the grandstanding "never buy anything without auditioning it first" does not work in the real world. Is there anything better, something I will like better? Maybe, but I will never find out.

$150k turntable does not keep accurate speed ? I find it hard to believe. Why doesn't it, what's wrong ?

Dunno - spoke to a guy in Canada who owned one years ago. Couldn't get it to run on speed and neither could the dealer or Clearaudio.

From my experience, nothing has the sound quality of the Kronos turntables from Montreal, Canada.  As you've probably seen they use a second counter-rotating platter.  This cancels the sideways torque placed upon the suspension.  This means they can use a suspension, which has real sonic advantages.  You can truly hear the difference.  Every time I hear an analog system with a Kronos in it there's something special about the sound.


When I found that the Clearaudio Statement ( at US150,000 ) could not keep accurate speed I decided their TT's are not fit for purpose.

I suspect that's a one-off issue that should/could have been fixed. I've had two different Clearaudio turntables for the last 14 years and they maintain spot on accurate speed all the time.

Yeah, that's interesting what tube power supply did there. I have a hypothesis - tubes are just superior devices, whatever you do with them, if you know what you do.

@inna knowing what to do with the devices is far more important than what devices they are!

If you really want to figure out what turntable has it right, the best way is to compare it against master tapes using an LP made from the master tapes.

But to do that the platter pad and tonearm are variables, as is the cartridge and the phono section's ability to get it right.

Again, master tapes are really helpful :)

Decent recording equipment is not that expensive WRT some of the prices I've seen on this thread already, so going thru the effort to make a good quality recording and putting it on LP does not seem that crazy in such light.

FWIW, that is why I use a Technics SL1200G. I use a different platter pad since the original does not do its job properly. I also have it perched on a very nice anti-vibration platform and equipment stand designed for it. You need to control variables like this if you really want to get down to the nub of it.

The Technics arm on the 1200G gives a lot of 'high end audio' tonearms a run for the money, but I prefer the Triplanar which can be mounted on the Technics with a proper arm board.


Recently saw some vintage tube Studer on ebay for, I think, $35k or so. Now that was a thing of beauty.

Any thoughts on the Holbo deck from Slovenia? It combines an air bearing turntable with a linear tracking tonearm, which also runs on air.  Driven by rubber bands, though!

Got an excellent review: Holbo Mk II Airbearing Turntable Review | StereoNET International

This is just about $50K. I put this here, because I have this, except mine is the regular Innovation turntable and I have the Statement record weight, at $30K for everything, but I am thinking about adding the field upgrade kit to the Master Innovation for another ~$20K

Yeah the field-upgrade was a selling point when I bought a brand new Innovation Wood, exactly 12 years ago. In the end, I "upgraded" by buying a minty used Master Innovation (dealer floor model) for less than the upgrade price alone, and then sold my Innovation Wood on top of that.

One thing I’ve noticed, that’s seemingly not published nor explained by Clearaudio - my Master is a VERY early unit circa 2013, in fact its serial # is either # 2 or 3 (I forget which). More recent Master Innovations show a very beefed-up center column (holding the long bearing shaft), which should increase the table’s mass and rigidity. How is that reconciled with the field upgrade - or do all field upgrades assume the smaller-sized center column, since that’s what (I think) all Innovation Woods have?

In general - upgrade paths from high-end turntables companies - oof, very expensive.

@mulveling For the Master Innovation field upgrade the whole bearing assembly for the Innovation part is removed and replaced with a new beefed-up one included in the upgrade kit. The result is the same as the current retail unit. My Innovation Wood was purchased August 2023 so it’s a relatively newer one.

If you go to the Clearaudio website the Master Innovation product page has the manual for the field upgrade. You can see exactly how that upgrade all works.

What did you think of the difference between the Wood and the Master?

mulveling, why did you choose Clearaudio turntable ? Did you compare with other brands ? There is quite a choice at this level.