Tweak for Rogue Preamp Owners

Mark O. contacted me and said they are now drilling a hole in the outboard power supplies and are providing "corks" for the hole.Fill the power suppy with sand and it makes an already quiet tube preamp into a super quiet tube preamp.Mark said it reduces floor and tube noise.You guys that have a "older" Rogue can do this your self.Just make sure you remove the cover first so you dont drill through something kind of important!!! Contact Mark if you need some assistance.I havent done mine yet but will soon.
not sure what you mean by Rogue being on the outer edge of "mainstream" but if its a negative hit about Rogue products then I guess you havent heard any.If the sand improves the performance of the power supply than I see nothing wrong with that.Many products are "Tweaked" and altered for better performance.The sand lowers the heat build up in the power supply thus lowering noise floor.Sounds worth a try to me.cornfedboy,Im not sure what your reply was intended for but I saw it just as a chance to make a negative crack about a very fine product.I have to give your post a big fat negative vote! Oh and :)
david99: your last post is a perfect exemplar of the fallacy of audiogan's proposed "voting" policy. you admit that you don't understand it, yet would give it a minus vote. why? cuz' i've rightfully flamed you before and, like an apocryrphal elephant, you never forget. fact is: i didn't intend to dump on rouge as a whole, only on the sand-fill "tweak." i find it really crude sounding and potentially messy. i've never listened to rouge pre's, at least as far as i'm aware, tho i've read some decent reviews of the 66. not my cuppa' but i'm sure it's a boon to those unwilling or unable to spend more than $1300 on a pre. interesting what the 10/00 stererophile review sez about the rouge's "taming" rough-edged amps. i prefer amps that don't require taming. to each his own, eh? peace david; i'm not your enemy or adversary, just a guy, like you, with opinions i don't mind expressing for all to see.
The pre-amp we are discussing is the 99 not the 66.I do understand the voting system quite well.When it was mentioned how some posters use creative wording to inflame yet make it appear they are not,I thought of you cornfedboy.I am not your enemy either,I just get tired of readng wise cracks about other peoples gear.Maybe your system is better (costs more) then many others on here but you still could be more sensitive in your opinions of others gear.You dont read Albert Porter making cracks about your stuff do you? I mention him only because he seems to have the best stereo on this site and has the most class.
My only concern with a "tweak" or "mod" like this would be heat dissipation. If there are any parts that are running near their rated amount of power dissipation, doing something like this could cause premature parts failure due to excessive heat build-up. The sand would act as an insulator minimizing the natural convection of heat away from the components. Hopefully, the designers / manufacturer has taken this into account and is not just offering the "latest / greatest" mod just to keep up with the "in" crowd of "tweakaholics". This is not to mention that all sand should be thoroughly sifted and dried before putting into ANYTHING. Don't trust pre-packaged "children's sand" as being clean, sterile or dry. I would hate for someone to find out the hard & expensive way that the sand was moist or had conductive contaminants in it and that their gear shorted out from doing something of this nature. Sean >
Of course the designer of the pre-amp has taken all this into account.Rogue is no fly by night company.The designer at first WAS concerned of heat build up but testing showed the sand actually reduced heat build up (as I previously posted) Rogue also stressed to make sure the sand is clean and dry which is obvious and a no brainer anyway.