Tweak: raising the subwoofer off the floor...

I read on the internet(I can't find the link anymore) that raising the subwoofer off the floor would improve the sound. Has anyone tried this? How exactly would it be done? Lastly, would it work?
Yes, I have done this myself and like the results. I have a Vandersteen 2Wq. I took the spikes off the bottom and placed it on a Billy Bags amp stand with Vibrapods between them. I think it works great. This only raises it off the floor a few more inches. My plan is to buy an ASC(Acoustic Science Corp., makers of the Tube Trap)sub stand. This compines the benifits of the sort of decoupling I am using now and a bass trap in one. Check it out on their site.
works best w/ hard footers on front-firing subs. decoupling them from the floor improves articulation, but reduces volume. just turn the gain up & you'll be right back where you were, but tighter.
You are going to have to try it yourself. There is no such thing as "this is better than that". There are too many variables for a one size fits all mind set.
I did it with a home made wood box with sand and floating top.
Works great! Total cost $50.00
Maxgain, to couple or decouple that is the question. Before you do anything, think about the idea of coupling that sub to the floor. You really cannot, fully decouple anything, but you can, surely, couple and send all those evil resonances to ground zero. Try the Sistrum Sub Support system. I use it for my sub. Quite a unique piece of engineering. Go on Starsound Technologies website and read their literature. I, also, wrote a review about their Mini Monitor speaker support system. It'll explain a little of what I'm talking about, but their website does it more comprehensively. They have a full money back guarentee. You won't have to use (the guarentee) it. Vibropods are an anethma to my ears. Once you couple there's no going back. You won't want to. Just think of this: all the work to decouple or isolate a component. How ever you do it, how to you keep away those airborne resonances? You don't. And then once those airborne resonances make their way into your amp, cd player,etc. the very isolating, or decoupling devices you're using, keep those deleterious, microphonous evil devils in your stuff. Check out their website. You will be reborn. Happy Christmas...warren