Bluenose- you know I can not stop.
Lak and Plato- we need to stick together, keep the nay sayers away.
Yeahright- I'm actually writing from a mental institution but please don't tell anyone.
Rupertdacat- I did write in one line separated paragraphs on a word processing software, I had not looked to see that it didn't transfer.
Lall- I tried to address vibration and isolation of equipment from the room vibration. I first used "Bubble Wrap" between a MDF shelf and a "Neuance shelf" under each peice of equipment. I then incorporated Aurios "Pro" bearings under the cd player and speakers. This caused an unwanted harshness to the signal. I found that using footer products (cones, pucks and balls) between the Aurios and the component solved the issues. The resulting sound was the entire sound stage was full, three dimensional, but more than anything completely believable. I can tell you exactly where the musician is on the sound stage, how far away and how tall. It's weird, they are truly three dimensional. I can walk right to the space they occupy on the stage, even when I walk up to them they remain in one place, I came put my hand out and touch where they stand. The speakers and the equipment are completely invisible. This is absolutely beyond my wildest expectations, the music is so real, so filled with life. Definition is great, but not etched or hard. The people on the stage simply exist as if they were real, there is nothing behind them but air. I simply can not explain how it feels, I sit down and it's all music. Every aspect of my system, EVERY ONE, is as good as it's been, and all at one time. Every aspect of the best systems I've ever heard are matched and in most cases surpassed.
Megasam- That is actually the next thing. I used to have my racks on a 3" sandstone slab that sat on the fireplace hearth. The system had great pace, excellent definition and was a smooth and liquid as I have ever had. I moved the system to the other wall two years ago and have been set up on a wood floor. I have been able to duplicate all the virtues of the stone except the liquidity so I'm going to see if I can get it back. Each bearing can support 500 lbs so a set of three will support a 5' slab of stone with no problem. I intend to put the two amp racks on the 5' stone. (side by side they also hold the pre-amp and power conditioning on) This would mean one set of three for the majority of the equipment. I thought I'd get a second set to try stone under the SCD-1 rack also. If this fails, I will put one set under the pre-amp (which I tried with success) and one under the high/ mid range amp. I will indeed keep you posted.
As far as Rollerball (besides being a bad movie) they use one large bearing and I believe a softer metal than Aurios. The Aurios Pro has three smaller bearings held apart equal distant, so the two products are really quite different. The Rollerball is more like the Daruma 3II.
Lak and Plato- we need to stick together, keep the nay sayers away.
Yeahright- I'm actually writing from a mental institution but please don't tell anyone.
Rupertdacat- I did write in one line separated paragraphs on a word processing software, I had not looked to see that it didn't transfer.
Lall- I tried to address vibration and isolation of equipment from the room vibration. I first used "Bubble Wrap" between a MDF shelf and a "Neuance shelf" under each peice of equipment. I then incorporated Aurios "Pro" bearings under the cd player and speakers. This caused an unwanted harshness to the signal. I found that using footer products (cones, pucks and balls) between the Aurios and the component solved the issues. The resulting sound was the entire sound stage was full, three dimensional, but more than anything completely believable. I can tell you exactly where the musician is on the sound stage, how far away and how tall. It's weird, they are truly three dimensional. I can walk right to the space they occupy on the stage, even when I walk up to them they remain in one place, I came put my hand out and touch where they stand. The speakers and the equipment are completely invisible. This is absolutely beyond my wildest expectations, the music is so real, so filled with life. Definition is great, but not etched or hard. The people on the stage simply exist as if they were real, there is nothing behind them but air. I simply can not explain how it feels, I sit down and it's all music. Every aspect of my system, EVERY ONE, is as good as it's been, and all at one time. Every aspect of the best systems I've ever heard are matched and in most cases surpassed.
Megasam- That is actually the next thing. I used to have my racks on a 3" sandstone slab that sat on the fireplace hearth. The system had great pace, excellent definition and was a smooth and liquid as I have ever had. I moved the system to the other wall two years ago and have been set up on a wood floor. I have been able to duplicate all the virtues of the stone except the liquidity so I'm going to see if I can get it back. Each bearing can support 500 lbs so a set of three will support a 5' slab of stone with no problem. I intend to put the two amp racks on the 5' stone. (side by side they also hold the pre-amp and power conditioning on) This would mean one set of three for the majority of the equipment. I thought I'd get a second set to try stone under the SCD-1 rack also. If this fails, I will put one set under the pre-amp (which I tried with success) and one under the high/ mid range amp. I will indeed keep you posted.
As far as Rollerball (besides being a bad movie) they use one large bearing and I believe a softer metal than Aurios. The Aurios Pro has three smaller bearings held apart equal distant, so the two products are really quite different. The Rollerball is more like the Daruma 3II.