Tweeter height...align with ears?

I just purchased some new monitor speakers and stands. These stands put the tweeters about 3-4" above my ears when I am in my listening chair. I am just curious how important it is for the ears to be vertically aligned with the tweeters?
Bill is correct. Rogers recommended the woofers in my Studio 1s be at ear level. I've found that to be pretty good but had to do a lot of adjustment with toe-in and surface distance to get them where they perform best. It's all part of being an audiophile.

Good luck & happy listening!
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I like standing speakers that don't sit to high and to be sort-of even above tweeters, but currently own Aerial 10t that are somewhat moderate. My ears are aligned with midrange driver, but if I stand the up on their stands, I wouldn't like the sound. I currently mount them on spikes.
What does 'height' mean...really?

Isn't 'height' just relative to make sure that the tweeters are 'aligned' (pointed) to your ears?

Suppose your tweeters are 10 inches higher from an absolute perspective, but angled down to be in alignment to fire directly into your ears...isn't 'alignment' of more importance to 'height'?
I like Erikt's response. In your small room perhaps you should be more concerned about the rake angle of the speakers. It looks like there is potential for some reflection off the ceiling.