Two Channel System Development Suggestions

I presently have the following gear:

Sim Audio Equinox CD Player
Arcam C30 Preamplifier
Proceed Amp 3
Paradigm Studio 60s

The electronics were purchased used here on Audiogon. The speakers are approximately one year old.

I am looking to upgrade my system one piece per year with an annual budget of $3,000 to $5,000. System is primarily used for two channel audio (I also have a Denon 2900 Universal player and Paradigm center channel and surrounds). I primarily listen to female vocals, jazz, folk and rock.

I welcome any suggestions as to what piece of equipment I should replace first. I would also like some input regarding recommended replacement pieces. I'm obviously not opposed to buying quality used equipment and strongly believe you can get your best value in used amplifiers given their long life expectancy and the lack of annual amplifier product enhancements (just my opinion).

I've learned a lot from Audiogon members over the last few years. Thanks in advance for your time and attention.
Your system is all solid state. Ever consider a nice tubed preamp like BAT, ARC, CJ or VTL with HT pass through?
In general, I think the speakers and the preamp are the pieces that most determine how a system sounds - speakers the most and preamp second, although you'll find differing opinions here on Audiogon about this. I've been doing what you're doing (upgrading a component every year or so) and this has held true in my upgrades. Good luck
Thanks for the responses thus far. There are so many options out there that it's hard to determine where to start. I have really considered adding a tube pre amp first such as the Modwright SWL 9.0SE or the Aesthetix Calypso. Then again I also really like the new Evolution Series from Sim Audio.

I can see why people have a hard time jumping off the upgrade band wagon. I'm constantly finding better and more pricey toys. I think I would be very satisfied if I could get 95% of the top performance level at a reasonable price.

My problem is that I haven't done a lot of listening comparisons. It would be nice if you could go to one location and pick up four or five high quality items and bring them home for a shootout in your own system.

The most important thing to do before you upgrade is to get some room treatment. Room acoustics are critical in getting good sound. Please read up on them. The improvement per dollar spent is also excellent. Speakers and the room are the two most important things that affect the sound.

You want to treat first reflection points and add bass traps first. I've been in this hobby since the early 70's and wished I would have learned more about room acoustics long ago.

Another thing that is free is speaker placement. Like real estate the three most important things in speakers is location,location and location. Experiment with different distances between speakers,sidewalls and rear walls. Also experiment with listener position and the angle your speakers are toed in.

Then worry about upgrades. Call Ethan Winer at Realtraps after you read about acoustics. He has good deals on quality treatment. If you're handy you can make your own. Do a google on Jon Risch bass traps and acoustic treatment.
You can merge HT and 2ch into one:
- Sell both CDPs to buy a McCk UDP1 (I sold my Equinox and a Pioneer DV59)- Cost neutral..invest in 4 Mondo traps + 2 diffusers.
- Get a 5.1ch pre / amp combo if you want separate(I went with Linar 10 5.1 integrated to keep it simple and economical). Separate, I would try Copland CT306 + Cary Cinema 5
- Buy 3 Avalon Studio Pro monitors (L/C/R) to get started into a 3ch system and then buy 2 more down the road for rear. Avalon sound for much less money (although I would love the Ascendant for front).
- A sub if you really want one (REL or MLogan) + a good projector

It is obviously a matter of taste and you have so many options but this is where I am heading. Good luck.