Two Internet Feeds

Thanks to discussions with @sns, @mitch2 and others, I’ve gotten an idea for cleaning up my network: Two internet feeds. One 1Gbps fiber, for my computer LAN/wifi, and one 100 Mbps feed provided over cable, dedicated to audio only.

Instead of spending $$$ and jumping through many hoops/devices to clean up the signal, this would provide a simple, direct feed. Yes, monthly ISP cost would be higher, but it would also be offset by not having to purchase a number of other devices.

The plan would be to run my audio system from the cable modem (w LPS), going via RJ45 cable into a Sonore opticalModule (w LPS), then via Finisar 1318s/fiber to my Lumin U2 streamer. There would be no other equipment in the circuit -- no noisy switches, no wall warts, no wifi routers, etc.

Does anyone have experience with this? I’d love to know if there’s any gotchas I haven’t thought of.

All real world advice welcome.

Best, JAMES.


Hey @mitch2 

That's always good advice, although hard to do in audiophilia, haha!

I ordered an opticalModule, arriving tomorrow, and will test in a number of configurations -- both direct from my fiber modem, from the TRENDnet switch, and with/without SmoothLAN.

Depending on my findings, I may still order a separate internet feed.  Can be gotten on a month-to-month, so if it doesn't fit the bill, I can easily cancel.

Fun experimenting!

Best, JAMES.

You should be able to do exactly what you mention, except run the RJ45 cable out of a jack on your router without paying for an extra internet feed, which I doubt is necessary.  You would still gain the isolation provided by the optical module and fiber cable run.  Make sure you are not trying to solve a problem not in evidence or, IOW, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!