Two Jl Audio f113's or one f 212

I'm curius as I am looking to buy a sub that i will not have to replace for years. i know they both would be awesome but as power and punch which would be the best. I'm still not sure if I need 2 f113's yet. I kinda thought if I really didn't need 2 I could sell 1 for close to what I paid. But if I get the f212 it will probably be the last sub I would need for a while. Any thoughts or opinions is greatly appreciated.
I'm using a single JL F113. I am also very familiar with the system of a friend who is using a pair of JL F110's. So it's a similar situation: A single larger sub vs. a pair of smaller subs.

IME, there are advantages to both approaches, but I think there are more advantages to a pair of smaller subs. The most frequently cited advantage is that a pair of subs can be placed at different locations in the room with different peaks/nulls, resulting in a flatter frequency response when summed together. This advantage is significant, IMO. The only caveat I would offer is...

I believe that the use of sub placement to optimize frequency response can result in non-optimal transient response, which is audible as bass that sounds "slow" or "out of sync" with the music. That is a controversial topic, however, which you read about in another thread, if it interests you.

Good luck.

Get two subs, set them up as a discrete stereo pair + LFE spread across the two. Then get an outboard (SVS / Audessey) 2 channel sub eqalizer, and you'll never look back.
Hey u guys are great, I kinda figured 2 is a better appraoch, but it is nice to hear some feedback with people that have some experience with it. I always have had good responses to any questions I have asked here, Thanks a million, Brad.
+1 (+5) on two subs. The effect on dealing with room issues can be remarkable. Famous book on acoustics by Floyd Toole explains the benefit of multiple subs (even 4).

Given the choice-- two F113s
Start with one
You may not want two
I have a JL and know they are the best