Two preamps in your system

Has anyone ever experimented using two preamps simultaneously in a system? Say tubes on top and ss on the bottom?
Avguygeorge ........I'll confess too...I have tried it. I bi-amped using 4 identical monoblocks....all I did was split the signal from the cd player to the two separate preamps via a y-connector.......I only did it for a couple of hours just to see if it was possible. I used a Carver tube preamp on top and an Audio Research LS 10 solid state preamp on the bottom. I didn't take the time to do any serious listening, because at the time, it seemed like more trouble than it was worth to keep it connected like that. It wasn't all that hard to get the volume controls in wasn't perfect, I was just fooling around......I think Ben Franklin and Alexander Graham Bell made some important discoveries fooling around trying out new stuff. I'm sure a two preamp system could have its merits if someone took the time to work out the kinks.

Kr4 mentioned that there are still a lot of bi-amping made my system more enjoyable five-fold....and I'm sure some tried bi-amping it and it just wasn't worth the trouble. Shoot, I've heard of tri-amping but never have seen it. Different strokes for different folks.

Just the thought of a discrete amp and preamp for every section of your speakers seems spine tingling if someone could pull it off.
Mitch; This is what I was thinking. I own a Sophia 845 SET monoblock pr. and a pr. of CJ5 blocks. I also own a CAT3 (2 main outs)and a First Sound Delux mk 2. The SET blocks give you magical mids. But they fall off for the bottom end. The CJs kick; at the bottom end. If I could work it to get the best of both worlds; I never have to talk to anyone;anymore.--- BTW; both these are for sale because I also own a pair of CJ8xs. What to do.----I tried a yard sale but nobody came by. One of my mottos is If you haven't knocked it--Don't try it.
OK. I know this is an old thread, but I must mention that I'm doing this. I'm using two relatively identical preamps (a Audible illusions 3A and a 3B).

The 3B is the main switching hub (all inputs connect here), and it drives two 100 watt tube monoblocks (high frequencies, passive crossover soldered into the input wiring). I use the buffered tape-outs of the 3B to feed the AUX input of the 3A, and that feeds two 200 watt SS bass amplifiers. The Audible Illusions preamps use precise stepped attenuators, so level matching is not a problem.

Sound? Incredible. Advice to the contrary, if you have the appropriate equipment, go for it!

I should note the the speakers I use -- Magnepan IIIAs -- are designed to optionally operate with a simple, passive high pass filter for biamping.